Your Prime has way too much power, it's time to get a slower car.... On a serious note, deflate your Blizzaks down to ~28 to 30 psi; this should solve your problem most of the time. Rob43
Yeah, naturally I just drive slower in the Prius, but I’m in Seattle so there was a good chance the roads were slick when I heard the “clunk” noise maybe that was it?
And ALL cars do that. It is just way more noticeable on ones with: Not much weight. Narrow LRR tires. Front wheel drive. Torquey electric motors. In addition to person-hole covers, the painted stripes on the roads tend to be slick even when dry. The wide white "stopping lines" often are the worst.
That would probably help. My car was delivered with something like 55 PSI in all four tires. It was like driving on ice until I realized I should check the pressure. I usually run about 35 in the blizzaks and 38-ish in the all seasons.
If you think the one wheel slip on manhole covers, gravel, paint, (and don't forget tar snakes!!) is bad in a Prius, try it on a motorcycle. Just drive it.