Impossible to answer because there are too many variables. In general, the inverter and motors do NOT fail very often, even in cars with high mileage. Why do you ask about those specific components ?? The hybrid battery won't last forever. Most reports here seem to indicate trouble around 150,000 miles or 12-13 years. Some much sooner, some later.
My car is 225 k miles, just interesting, I never heard problems with electric motor, inventer and battery are more problematics. On my car also was changed battery, because of fan.
we'd be guessing. average is poly around 150-200k miles. some break sooner, some break later, mostly battery. inverter and tranny are even heartier, but are not covered under the 'hybrid' warranty in the u.s. anyways
My 2010 Prius II is currently at 237,000mi and still going strong, getting around 50mpg. My 2007 gen 2 had one battery module fail at 227,000 (relplaced one module, still running strong avg. 42mpg) and my 2005 gen 2 had 6 modules fail at 216,000 ( replaced 6 modules, and still getting 50mpg) . It's remarkable how long the batteries can last, and a complete mystery why they fail when they do. Considering the temperature inside a parked car in the summer and freezing temps in the winter, they endure some pretty harsh conditions.
Since I have a 2010 with far fewer miles (93,000), I'd like to know what repair or maintenance you have done. Brakes? shocks/struts? EGR? etc?
My 2010's Oil consumption is minimal. My 2007 gen 2 uses a noticeable amount, around a quart every 3000mi.