I bought a replacement antenna base and antenna for my 2007 touring and the new part only has 1 wire where the old one has 2. Do I need to return the new part or just connect the one, coaxial style wire and leave the other wire unplugged? iPhone ?
Are you sure that you bought one for the right trim level / options of your Prius? I'm pretty sure that the rooftop "antenna" on my 2010 IV is actually four antennas and at least one preamp: AM/FM, XM, cellular (for Safety Connect), and GPS (also for Safety Connect, separate from the nav GPS antenna, which is under the dash). You could plug in the one that fits and leave off the one that doesn't, and see what car features stop working.
Your profile shows a 2007 Prius. I do not know if it is Base or Touring but they appear to use the same parts with only one cable. Does youe car have the original head unit? Perhaps it had an after market antennt for something else. from 2007 Toyota Prius Parts - metrotoyotapartsnow.com
Right, I didn't expect my 2010 to match a 2007 in any way, but only to suggest how there might be trim-level variants. That line drawing of the 2007 seems a little vague about just how that "one cable" looks; the connector end over by the right rear door almost seems to suggest a pair of connectors. That's also what I seem to see in online pictures for that part number: 2007 TOYOTA Prius Rear Roof Mounted Radio Stereo Antenna Holder OEM 86300-47030 | eBay My experience with Toyota's wiring diagrams is that they, also, are kind of vague about antenna wiring. As opposed to all the 12 volt wiring where you get details of exact connectors and pinouts, for antennas about all you seem to get is a line pointing out of the radio drawing and labeled "antenna". You get to figure out the rest by unplugging things one at a time to see what you stop receiving.
Mine is a 2007 touring. There is one coaxial wire and one smaller wire, it is the smaller wire that I’m missing on the new antenna. In this picture I have the new antenna on the right side and old (I cut the wires) on the left. This is the eBay link to the one I purchased (2007 Prius is listed). https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F312234258924 The new coaxial is also too short. Maybe I’ll try returning the new one and getting the proper one. It’s not too bad to access again so I’ll just wait and do it right. iPhone ?
This was a $10 aftermarket one on eBay. The seller refunded me $5 because I already threw out the packaging and said to keep the part. I went to my local u-pull-it place yesterday and pulled a good used part for $3. It’s nice to have a usable radio! iPhone ?
Well at least you can still use the antenna form your eBay buy. 5 bucks isn’t a bad price for a replacement antenna.