Dead battery vs dead transaxle. Pretty much the same cost if you want a reliable repair Has this car ever had a transaxle fluid change? Not that it matters now
Click on the snowflake ❄️ icon for more details. Post those screen shots and that should get you closer to the root cause. Good luck and keep us posted .
If those are all real errors, find a charity that will tow away your car as a donation :-( However, one problem that can cause a shotgun blast of unrelated errors is a dead 12 Volt battery or bad cables to it. If your 12 volt battery is under 12 volts when left sitting overnight and not put in Ready, change it out first. Since the 12 battery powers the computers until the car achieves ready, a flat 12 volt battery can under power the computers and produce random failures unrelated to the part that 'fails'. So check the 12 battery before believing that all those failures are real. And then check the jump point under the hood to make sure that the cabling is good. Page 357 and 358 if you have not used the jump point before. Once you DO put it in Ready (after those two tests) it should jump to over 13.5 volts as the Inverter charges it. i wish you well!