I have been through BeamTech and AuxBeams LED bulbs and neither seem very bright over halogen. I brought the Auxbeams for my projector headlight and still not good. The AuxBeams also don't click when turning them into the socket. Has anyone experienced this before??
IMG_20181218_084125 by ScudderWoods12 posted Dec 18, 2018 at 9:59 AM IMG_20181218_084133 by ScudderWoods12 posted Dec 18, 2018 at 9:59 AM
guess you jumped on that train a little bit early/ check out hidplanet, the 2stroke v2 look promising/
I just bought the Hikari Ultra LED headlight bulbs from Amazon. They tested very well on BulbFacts. Extremely pleased with the low beam application on my Prius. At least twice as bright as the halogens! Here is the link: BulbFacts | Hikari Ultra LED Headlight Kit Review
Sound like mount rings could be stuck from the previous bulb removal, and the new bulb's ring is stacked on the old ring. Since it's not clicking into place and dimmed lights, I'd check for stuck rings next.