I've taken the train 250 miles to save $4k. The next time I was ready to buy, I went in to my local dealer (they having serviced the car I bought out of state) I suggested they knew I was more than willing to buy elsewhere. I said "I don't expect you to make nothing on the deal, just don't offer me a price that will insult my intelligence. You get one chance." They came in with a reasonable deal and I took it. Good to great service since. If I take my car in, they offer me a ride home. I make it easy on them and suggest they drop me half way home as it will save them time and I need the exercise. At this point, we are a 5 car Toyota family. I almost went to Honda about 6 months ago when my v was suffering from a recurring will not start issue (that turned out to be very very rare). I decided to go over to e Honda forum and, believe me, the problems reported there and the service attitudes described made me want to wait till my v got fixed. Do your homework. Insist they treat you right but do it politely. Win the important battles.
My experience: 2005 Ebay - first used Prius, 2003, flew to Dallas-Ft Worth and drove 800 miles back. 2009 Toyota Corporate Detroit - almost didn't buy it because the safety package would jump the price $8,000. 2016 Ebay from Tarbox Toyota RI. Drove 1,200 miles back. Bob Wilson
There's your problem. Everyone knows that the intelligent people left Port Moody and moved to Burnaby where there are no gravity holes. Those gravity holes suck the smarts out of everyone. I think most Premiers spend time in Port Moody...
Probably. Closed my Canadian office in Burnaby in 2006 because it got too complicated to cross the border to work. Immigration found someone who said they had my skills in Toronto and who could fill the need in Vancover, and so my work permit was questionable, even though the guy refused to work in BC. Moved to where its warm and easy to cross the border. Premier or Prime Minister, they are all affected by gravity holes.
Learn about your country. Office of the Premier - Province of British Columbia Maybe you have been in Burnaby too long.
I've heard about those jokers in Victoria. C'mon, haven't you ever been caught mentally flat-footed, lol.
Oh come now, the mountain in question is Mt. Fuji, and they don't call them "Trolls", they call them "Kami", anybody who works for Toyota really ought to know that.
I thought it was impossible to get any kind of work out of an Oni, well, beyond drinking, fighting, and working as bouncers. Although I suppose the Japanese would know about these things...