I have a toy640 wrench that worked great on my 2013. I did my usual and watched a video on the gen4 oil change and noticed the oil filter housing wrench has notches/teeth in it. Anyone know whether the oil filter housing wrench has changed on the gen4? The car is covered by Toyota service for the first two years.... I’m considering the idea of replacing the oil at the 5k point.
Others have reported using their older oil filter wrenches with fourth-generation cars. The notches or slots fit over ribs on the plastic filter cap found on vehicles that use replaceable filter elements. If you want a wrench with notches, there are many for sale, including the KTC AVSA-R64A, which I described previously.
My 2016 Gen 4 oil filter bits are exactly the same as my 2014, including wrench and cartridge. Good news is the access panel uses screws instead of those "snaps" that always seem to break off. But, I have seen some posts saying that some Gen 4's have gone back to the old style metal screw-off filters instead of the cartridges, so you might want to check your setup before attempting your first service. I believe this is because there are some examples of extreme difficulty getting the newer style housing off. Some shops apparently over-tighten it.
Gen 4 switched to standard spin on oil filters halfway through 2017 and later, something to take note of.
I checked on McGeorge Toyota, and they're still showing the old style, filter with permanent housing. Engine Parts for 2018 Toyota Prius | Toyota Parts But yeah, it's apparently happening, many reports from owners. I'm idly interested in doing the conversion on our 2010.
I’m not sure I’d rely on dealer websites for up-to-date parts information, especially if they use the redrawn diagrams from RevolutionParts, as that one does, rather than the illustrations and data from Toyota’s own Electronic Parts Catalog. In a previous thread about the oil filter change, I linked to the relevant page on parts.toyota.com, which appears to have been built from the latter source.
In link they show the old style though, the kind where just the filter element is replaced, having the permanent plastic housing. If I back up and choose 2018 Prius, it shows the same. Addendum: Apologies, see now there are two pictures, the second one shows the revised oil filter system.