Taken at face value, applying a little light oil won't help either of those conditions for more than a very short time. As a matter of fact, if the compression problem is due to WORN rings, applying light oil is going in the wrong direction. It can help if the problem is stuck rings......or maybe excessive "gunk" built up around the rings. And I don't see how light oil would help with a vacuum "leak" either. An engine with low compression generally also has low manifold vacuum.......but that really isn't a "leak".
Maybe the rings don't need to be "loosened". And I wouldn't recommend your procedure for "water injection" either. One tiny little mistake and you could be sucking water directly into the engine.......which can be instant DEATH if there is enough.
I disagree, you would need more water than a vacuum hose could provide to achieve hydraulic lock. It used to happen in Porsche speedsters if you didn’t close the fuel valve on the gas tank. The gas tank was higher the the carburetors so sometimes a carb would leak fuel into a cylinder and fill it enough for that to happen. Break the crank every time. With the engine heated up and running that would be much harder. I would use a metering valve in line though, and open it very slowly.
So you advise people to pour liquid into their intake but think imminent engine death would come from sucking in a bit of water via a vacuum hose? I think we've all heard what you've got to say Sam. Keep walking, we'll carry on.
In case you didn’t know, if you click on someone’s name you will see an option to ignore a poster. I hear that some particular posters have many people ignoring their comments.
Oh Sam, don't be so sensitive. There's not a single insult here. I'm just saying we've all heard what you're opinion is, there's no more input from you wanted, and the rest of us will carry on discussing the topic. Thank you.
You do realize that the accelerator pedal is not connected to the engine throttle plate right? "Flooring it" in a Prius does not ensure high engine load, only high tq demand from the drive system (ICE + MG1 & MG2). The programming of a Prius is set to minimize fuel use, not maximize power.
So now you claim to speak for EVERYBODY on the forum ?? Sounds like an ego problem to me. And saying that "no more input from you is wanted" certainly sounds like an insult to me.
I'm fully aware the Prius is designed for fuel efficiency and is drive by wire. In most situations more throttle input = more revolutions of the engine (even in a Prius) = more heat in the engine = more of the chemicals in the combustion chamber get burnt, cleaner. A combination of the design and the typical Prius drivers MPG oriented habits, in my belief, leads to more unburnt products in the combustion chamber. It's a plausible theory, I could be wrong, I'm not a Toyota engineer studying high mileage engine use.
The older scions use this same engine, Otto vs Atkinson cycles aside. I wonder if they have the same oil problems.
Do you know which models? I used to have a 2006 Xb. There seems to be quite a few of them about and with some big miles on them and they've held value quite well.