We got a prius from family and it has this issue where some days you have to turn ignition on/off from a few times or sometimes when it doesn't start I wait a minute and it starts?The thing is the car does this often yet never has it left me stranded as it seems sooner or later from ignition on/off/on etc it will eventually start.I got a brand new 12v battery from dealer but didn't fix it,I make sure brakes pressed nice and firm but it randomly acts up.Im sure many have had this same issue what should be checked?
I know many conventional cars require the brake to be pressed before the engine will start but you don't need to touch the brake pedal when you're starting a gen 1 (or any of the later Prius / HSD Toyotas from memory). Happy to be corrected if I'm missing something but I always just get in, turn the key and go.
I didn't do a voltage drop test because ive been at work so I can mess with car this weekend,i found a new ignition switch for $10 online so I pulled the trigger even though I didn't vd test the switch but for so cheap if it don't work oh well.I read something about throttle plate creating a no crank is this correct?if so how do I test and what other suspects are there?