Thank you, it was semi rhetorical anyway. I’ll probably still go to florida, but with a weathereye out
This pops up by search: 6 Million Lost Voters: State-Level Estimates of Felony Disenfranchisement, 2016 | The Sentencing Project At which time Florida 'led' in this category.
I’m sure they do a bit of that at San Quentin, but maybe they’ve already mailed their ballot in. I’ve had mine in for a couple of weeks now.
Felons incarcerated in Calif., or on probation, are not allowed to vote. So San Quentin is not an appropriate target here. == probably enumerates felons by state. Not obvious why that site is blocked here, but it is.
Florida is one of four states that permanently takes away the right to vote for felons. So it covers people that had the punishment and probation finished in their past. A women interviews on NPR has been working on getting her voting rights back for decade.
Now results begin to accumulate. One interesting point is that CNN video coverage, normally a subscription service, is free online for this event.
i voted. y'all are the poorer for it. they are trying to repeal the lgbgt bathroom law here in taxachusetts
As of 6 PM Wednesday in the world's most populous time zone , a whopping number of votes have been cast for Senate (75,984,390) and House (95,395,920) candidates. Were this a political discussion we could consider R and D distributions. It might seem surprising.