submitted a pic of my receipt on the 30th and opted for email based payment instead of check in the mail... Wonder how long it takes to process that way?
Lol 5.5% sales tax? You must live far, far away from all the states with lots of big cities where it averages more than double that...
Can that actually be a legit price? That has to be a pricing error that has gone undetected. That is selling for 10 bucks a quart or 30 bucks for a 5 qt jug here. I'd buy it by the pallet at that price............
Amazing deal!!! I finally got around today to printing my check for $34 from Mobil so we can deposit it.
Yes and I sent in a rebate for $24 as well (See if it works) Those of you near AAP especially rural worth a check to see if they have any cheap synthetic left (and no it’s not always correctly marked, I needed to do a price check)
I typically see a check in about 6-7 weeks. This rebate promotion on Mobil 1 is basically something they do every 3-6 months. I used to sort of hoard the walmart 5-qt jugs when I was doing a lot of driving but it's so frequent that I don't bother any more.
Pennzoil Platinum has a $10 cash rebate or $20 Shell fuel rewards option until December 31. This is good only on one 5 quart purchase. Do It Yourself | United States
Well.... I filled out the form and followed all the instructions at the end of October and still no refund/rebate? The only thing that I may of done wrong is that the form you fill out wants to know if you bought the motor oil w/the Mobil oil filter, with no option to say just motor oil was purchased. Yet the rest of the sale says nothing about having to buy their filter? Did everyone who got a rebate also buy their over-priced filter? Who do I contact specifically at Mobil about this?