Why would you call it a nonsense thread? I don't default to the concept that it's never happened to me, therefore it didn't happen. Like I said, I didn't experience, so I just don't know. But I believe in the sincerity of the OP. I believe, they believe, -what happened in the manner they describe, happened to them. Not totally blindly either. The OP joined Prius Chat in 2012, and if you check the OP's profile page, you'll find years of posts and threads, that have nothing to do with Sudden Unintended Acceleration. That allows me to give them the benefit of the doubt here. If the OP was a person who just joined? With no history? I'd be very suspicious. But in this case, there is a history of ownership and participation. What the OP actually experienced? Again, I don't really know. But I'm not going to discount it as nonsense, or not valid, just because it might make me uncomfortable OR that I haven't experienced it. I wish the OP the best in a sincere, valid investigation. Whatever the results may reveal.
Why are you assuming the OP doesn't know or didn't know about recalls?The OP joined Prius Chat in 2012, and the vehicle is a 2011, I don't know if ownership began from "New" but it's long term ownership. Also.... The OP reports basically no problems until 76K miles. And evidently WAS aware of a service bulletin for an issue with the vehicle. I kind of think someone who is involved enough to follow service bulletins, probably IS also staying aware of recalls. From what I can tell, the work and diagnosis is being handled by a Toyota Dealership, if a recall was needed? Especially a recall connected to this issue? I think they would bring it up. So I find the assumption that this is all happening due to the OP's assumed ignorance of chimerical recalls....nonsense.
good - because there are peeps that SWEAR they've been kidnapped by aliens, been taken too far away galaxies, and probed, again & again. Grain of salt. Remember, back in 2004, there were tons of people saying it happened, & the Black Box proved almost all of it was stopping on the wrong peddal. But alternatively you had foljs with extra thick floor mats or a coke bottle jamming underneath the pedal or whatever jamming it up. The trolls came out in woodwork then, & the trolls will be trolls regardless of what year it is. (possibly) .
Be careful. Read what I'm saying. I'm saying I don't know what happened. BUT...I do believe in the sincerity of the OP. -They think it happened. Is there room, even a necessity demanding critical evaluation especially in investigation...Certainly. But... In short, I don't think this is trolling for reaction here. To discount the experience and even the sincere reaction as nonsense, isn't fair. Even if it IS a mistake, and the events didn't happen as the OP perceived. And....how do we know people haven't been kidnapped by Aliens? Travis Walton has stuck by his stories for decades..... Odd that we are actually more open to the idea that someone has been kidnapped by aliens than Prius Owners are to the idea that there might be the possibility of unintended acceleration happening with their vehicles. What is it going to take? A crop circle shaped like a Toyota Logo that says...SUA is real?
or ... simply consider one of the OP's prior posts. still - yea we're all free to make our own interpretations ... Toyota certainly did. .
I did some reading last year about cars, not specifically Prius TPS "Throttle Position Sensors" New cars have basically two TPS sensors and some have even three. The ones I am talking about are the Drive By Wire type without a cable going to the throttle. If they don't give the right signal to the ECU it cuts the fuel, and this would set a P code. The recall I got for my Gen 2 after the run away Prius recall reprogrammed the ECM so that if the gas and brake pedal were hit at the same time the brake pedal would win. I am not making any statement about the OP problem but this is the way I believe the system to work.
We got the Florida Highway Patrol accident report stating the investigation has been completed, no charges will be filed and the case will be closed.
You mean... I think that means the Florida Highway Patrol has closed the case and decided to not investigate. That in no way means the OP's original post is nonsense or invalid.
it means the o/p can press forward on his own, with a number of excellent suggestions here, or he can accept: CASE CLOSED!
we haven't even addressed the headlight issue in the first sentence or two, we got so caught up in the silly sua.
if my car jumps a parking curb while i'm stopped with my RIGHT foot on the brake, travels down an embankment and 90 feet before coming to a stop, and i am convinced my foot was on the brake? CASE IS STILL OPEN!