Most cars that I've ever had, dome lights come on when the door is open - when switch is in a particular position; lights go off when door is closed. My 2010 Prius, the dome lights go on only if I press the light itself or if the switch is in the middle position - but it won't go off. Do I need to program this or what?
Most cars have this light come on either with an open door, or with a switch on the lamp housing or dash. And some are also nice enough to allow it to be switched totally off even for open doors, an important feature at astronomy club star parties. You likely have either a bad door switch, or a switch or contact problem in the lamp housing. My 2012 had a problem for a while until I fiddled with the lamp housing and something started working again, though the specifics were never identified. My 2010 never had a problem with this, but I kept it only three years before trading up.
so you have a standard 3 position switch. 1) always on 2) on with open door 3) always off i think there are markings on it? if it doesn't come on with the drivers door open and switch in position two, see fuzzy above. but if neither door works, it might be a bad switch or wiring
Erm, my 2010-II didn't have a push-on dome light, only its front map/reading lights did that. The dome light -- the lamp between from and rear seats -- had a slide switch. But I traded it off years ago, so cannot go back to confirm. Is OP confusing the dome light with the map/reading lights?
Yes it does. And that has nothing to do with them staying on for a few seconds after the door is closed.......when the selector switch is in the "automatic" or "door" position.
'the dome light only goes on if i press the light itself'. obviously he means the map light, no need to nitpick. the light does not come on when he opens the door. if it doesn't come on, shutting off is not an issue. admittedly, i'm old and senile, but i don't understand how you folks are reading the o/p.
Yes it does. In my profile information that is posted below my name on every post. Right down here........... v v v v v <