Hi friends, I searched all over and I can’t find anything that covers this topic. When I go to shut down the Prius, when I click the power button, it turns off but then immediately turns back on and flashes all of the dash lights and then is in the stand by state (not ready to drive) but just sitting there still on. I click it again to try and turn it off and now it finally actually turns off. For some reason, every so often, I come back to the car and it appears like it has no electrical connection from the battery. But has even happened as I’m getting out of the car. I can’t lock the doors because it lost the connection? IE the key fob doesn’t work, door lights don’t work, nothing works. So, I’ve been carrying a portable jumper but today Even jumping didn’t work today. Luckily after a few attempts it did. To make matters even more strange, one day it turned off in a weird way - and looked off. I locked the doors and left. I came back to my car 40 minutes later and the car was running. Somehow it had turned itself on without the key. And this is the gen2 where it requires a key to start. So obviously my beloved Prius is having some weird electrical problems. I replaced the 12v battery about 1.5 years ago. So I think it’s very unlikely it’s that. But maybe ? I took it to my local trusted Prius mechanic shop and they didn’t know and couldn’t help. Can ANYONE think of anything? I am so concerned about these phantom electrical issues. Thanks so much!!!
New battery 1.5 years ago. Bet that one went stone dead somewhere along the line though. You clearly have 12 volt battery issues. The fact that you have a jump pack tells me that 1.5 year old battery is dead too. Everyone on here with repetitive 12 volt death have one thing in common they do not arm the car alarm every time they get out of the car esoecially when parking it for the night, if you did it would alert you to the door or hatch is ajar and left a light on. And kids too there the worst they get in the car and leave the door open. So go buy a new 12 volt battery and have someone who knows what there doing install it as it may have some loose connections too. Btw the dead 12 volt battery is the most common post on this site. Do you own a digital volt meter?
You were right. Thank you so much. The battery was on the line where it barely had enough charge to startup or shutdown. Thank god it wasn’t the pressure switch module thing or worse. The mechanic didn’t mention why I’ve had 2 batteries fail in a year though. I lock car every night with key fob and all lights are off. So I’m scared of parasitic drain and don’t think they tested that. The YouTube walkthrough method seems kinda scary. But the car is running normally again, soi wanted to thank you!
how often do you drive it, and how many miles per year? did you check the voltage of the new battery before installing?
That's strange behaviour. Could there be a problem with the power button, and as a consequence the 12 volt batteries are getting run down? The attachment shows some removal and test procedures for the power button. The first five pages specifically, and the remaining pages should help with removal of adjacent pieces. Hopefully the remainder covers all the adjacent removal: if you do get into it and are stuck on anything just post in this thread, I'll notice in alerts.
Hi friends. The saga continues... Things have been fine the last 8 days. Then today I got in the car and the dash lights wouldn’t turn on when powering the car to ready. No mph or ready light. Only the the check engine light would pop up then go away. I googled YouTube videos and saw it looks like the cluster is the problem. Then it worked again and has been working fine since. Do you guys think the cluster was responsible for the battery drain issues ? Or unrelated ? Regardless, I hope my new battery doesn’t get fd again! I’m in Los Angeles so I will research who is best for this scenario. Will update when I have more info! Hahaha Thanks everyone !!!
Pretty much Everyday about 10-20 miles. I didn’t install it. My local Japanese auto shop swapped it for free under warranty. I don’t know if they did a parasitic drain test though. they just told me I was fine and good to go.
The ComboMeter (MPH, P/R/N/D/B, Odometer) is likely bad, and is intermittent. Overtime, it will likely just stay off. A known problem, BTW. To turn car OFF, keep power button depressed for 3 seconds. No know reports/postings of a bad combo meter causing a parasitic drain. CEL (Check Engine Light) appeared then went away. A DTC is stored. Get the code(s) read. If you Prius has SKS, maybe the key fob is still in close enough proximity from inside your house (assumed), to the door or hatch antenna, causing the SKS system to remain active, drawing more energy than it otherwise would, if the SKS fob was further away or simply placed in a metal box to kill the SKS signal?
When the combination meter deteriorates sufficiently, pressing the POWER button for 3 seconds or more may have no effect. Then you have to disconnect the 12V battery to turn off the car. I had been living with a marginal CM on the 2007 for a while, but when the car got to that point, that gave me sufficient motivation to replace the CM with a refurbished unit, programmed to the correct odometer reading, from Matt at Texas Hybrid Batteries.
It hasn’t done it since. Maybe I’ve got parasite drain AND need a new combo meter lol Regardless - gonna keep driving till the CM dies I soppose. Thanks again everyone !!