Are the Sox going to have to have any immunizations before going to LA? How will this affect their drug screenings? Sore arms?
Like Boston. Appreciate the history of the ballclub and the old Stadium. But baseball was not meant to be played in 45 degree weather! (and 40% chance of rain?) MLB needs to shorten the season, and have the World Series played in September? I also wish some of the WS games were played in the day time! Our weather is getting warmer by the end of the week. In the mid 80's. Come to Dodger Stadium...
i like day games and cali weather. you folks are lucky, i'll be in bed before the sixth inning. glad for dvr. it's been raining here since labor day, the arc is almost finished. the dodgers are fortunate it isn't snowing.
LA has had graupel in February. Just one of those dandy words. Graupel graupel graupel. Habst du graupel yetz?
And why do they start the games so late on the East Coast? Has it always been that way? Or is it a TV contract thing? What's wrong with 5 or 6pm. Who are those guys?! I am not familiar with even ONE Red Sox player. And you're right, bisco. That pitcher Sale needs to start eating!! Yikes, he is too skinny. And who names their kid Mookie????????
Markus Betts. I think Placier would have been a better choice. Anyway it makes Xander seem more mainstream. Tzu-Wei is an uncommon given name, as is No-Wei.
Ok. I've heard of Kinsler. He was with the Angels. Sale can certainly bring some heat up there. He's 6'-6", 188 lbs? I can only wish to be that trim. Then I might actually FIT in my Prius.