Hey Gen 3 folks... My friend got a great deal on a 2012 Prius Battery pack from a wrecked car... I reconditioned the battery modules and put them in his '05 Prius. I'd like to unload what we didn't use to someone on the west coast between SF Bay Area and Seattle. I'll even deliver it! Maybe you might want to trade / compensate me for it in some way? It includes nut, bolts, everything but the modules, module end caps and orange safety switch. Private message me soon, or I'll likely resort to unloading it on Craig's list...
The modules were in really, really good shape! Best modules I ever reconditioned... I assume the rest of the pack is of equivalent quality, but haven't tested it cause I mostly do Gen2 work.
If it doesn’t sell, you could always stop by the Bay Area meetups we do on occasion: Possible Monthly install meets. Bay Area-Fremont Help us set a date. If it doesn’t sell, you’re welcome to stop by and I’ll take it.
I'll be within a 100 miles or so of there / my place of birth / my homeland the 1st thru the 5th... I could demo the module reconditioning light show / charging gear in its latest iteration too? Let me know?