That's probably as good a guestimation as anything else... What are they saying in Vegas? Bayes’ Theorem? Quantified Belief? Craven always "said he said' that betting is a good method of data processing.....(or obfuscating sensor technology.) I'll buy 40-percent, but still plan to root for LA. They could use the good press....but that begs another question..... Which city would riot the most peacefully following a "World" Series win???
I'm not a betting man. I just enjoy the game for what it is.... You throw the ball You hit the ball You catch the ball
Too late to win money on World-Series bets. Canny pre-season bets on BOS or LAD would have done better, but time's arrow... Better enough to pay for a seat in LA, Oct. 30, to see Red Stockings finish the job. That being my prediction (today ). But a Series it will be, and with 8 runs per game scored in League Championships, perhaps meriting attention. Will Chris Sale wear his ring on a finger, or ???
Ryu reminds me of Yu Darvish, last year. (Now Yu is the Cub's problem.) The Dodger pitching has been shaky all year. They need a complete overhaul, if that's even possible.
rye getting a lot of props around here. sale is an unknown quantity, keeps going to the hospital with stomach problems. guy is 6'-6" and a hundred pounds or something. and that's on top of his post season history. price has had one good starting performance, we'll see.