I can assure you that a particular Chinese fella in England is emitting joy from multiple orifices. He is an archetypal we for redsox. Actually his name leads to a pun, but that would be telling.
true, that leaves me out. but past performances are not a definitive indicator of current events, witness 2004
Fivethirtyeight MLB model has been updated, in Boston's favor. Don't give away your tickets this time.
i don't have them anymore. my partner and i used to have 50 home game tix (weekdays) and always got playoffs guaranteed. i was fortunate in '13. i asked him if he wanted game six or seven. he said he wanted the game that they win. but they were up 3-2 after 5 games, so it could be either. he chose game seven, and i got to see them win it all in game 6.
It would be great to see Boston and the Dodgers in the series. I bet FOX is hoping for that matchup. TV ratings would be good. Two classic historical teams. East Coast vs West Coast. Two older outdoor stadiums. The Brewers vs the Astros just doesn't do it for me. I need a Dodger Dog!
Supersized Dodger Dog image quells earlier enthusiasm. Looks kinda eeew in an industrial way. But the food trucks; oh my! Boston/LA showdown still glimmers...
If one goes vegetarian for a time, and reverts, one discovers that certain enzymes are no longer on the 'to-do' list. Gastric adventures are likely to follow.
Sorry, but even as an omnivore, that just doesn't look appealing. It looks just like a longer version of a standard American throw-in-all-the-junky-animal-body-parts product. Maybe that is how all sausage is made, but there is much better available. Spouse and I once experienced a vegan hotdog. Or just a single bite each, before composting the rest. Our reaction was that it was part of an aversion training program, to remind them why they should avoid anything with even the most vague resemblance to meat. With so many good menu choices available, why would any of them want something from the meat-like world anyway? Maybe other vendors make such things to actually taste good. Just not that one.
Oh calm down everybody!! It's just one hotdog at a ballgame. It's the American way! At Dodger Stadium, by the time you get back to your seat, you've missed 3 innings and the hotdogs are cold and the beer is warm. Enjoy. (P.S.-- Machado is lazy dirty player. He admits he won't ever hustle on the basepaths. Never has. Yet some stupid team will be paying him 300 million soon. I hope it's not the Dodgers.) I buy my foot-long Farmer John Dodger Dogs at the grocery store. But they never seem to taste as good. I was looking for tickets for today's game 5. Found a great seat, down close to the action. $1,300. You only live once!
great sausage outside the park. inside, i stick with popcorn, peanuts and beer. they have added weird food like clam chowder, not the right venue. fenway franks used to be a tradition, but stomach isn't what it used to be. sausage is much better.