I may have the opportunity to switch from a 2007 Prius to a 2015 one. Is it worth it ? Mine has 71000 miles and is in a perfect condition. The new one is... well... newer, with only 14000 miles. And I may have to add some money.
yes....(just my point of view.) only 14k miles! yes. rides better. less likely for repairs. battery has longer life left under warranty. i have had five prii. low mileage is a good thing . high mileage is less of a good thing. pay the extra bucks . keep it forever (and a day). when tires wear out use high quality replacements. etc,. keep up the maintenance by the book .live long and prosper.
It depends. If saving money is important, then no. If driving newer car makes you feel good, then maybe yes. Also depends on how good of deal you are getting on the purchase and trade-in.
That's kind of key to an answer here. And perhaps more info about the newer vehicle. BUT making the rather big assumptions, that the newer vehicle is also in good shape, not a wrecked or salvaged title. And assuming "add some money" doesn't mean "buy a new vehicle basically from scratch". Then I'd certainly consider making the upgrade. That's a significantly newer vehicle with significantly less miles. But the assumptions I'm making here are pretty big.
To a gen4 yes to a gen 3 not so much, the Gen 2 was a great handling car (with modifications) the gen3 isn't and won't ever be, but the gen4 is a very precise ride. The newer one is safer and has newer running gear.
Thank you, guys, for your answers. It is really nice of you all. If a get a new Prius, it will be from the same mechanic who got me the one I have now. He is a trustful guy who knows his job. I may have to pay an additional 6000 usd for the new one. Usle, could you, please, tell me what is wrong with the Gen 3 ?
im not an expert on high mileage cars and dont ever keep them when they start getting close to 100k. i dont think with a prius that you would expect major repairs at 70k plus miles but more like wear types. for instance, ball joints, shocks etc and little nitpicky things. of course, tires (which are one of the keys to fun, economical and safe driving). brakes are not likely because of regen. although i keep hearing about inverter failures on gen 3 i think (not scientifically proved) that on a 2015 the odds have got to be less than 10% and more than 1%. $6000 and you keep the car 10 or more years. whats that: less than $60 a month? anyway i agree that gen 4 would be the best but i admit that i cannot stand to look at it with the little 1950s fins and fish like front end. i know that that should not be important but i just hate the looks of gen 4 (not the performance). i guess ive run my mouth enough. low miles for me. high miles for mechanically inclined
I'm comparing the way the different generations drive, the 2 can be turned to drive well, the 3 can't, the 4 comes from the factory already tuned for a great drive, there's nothing wrong with the gen3, it's just a bit of a pig.
Underbody braces to stiffen it, front upper strut wrack, the car turns better and isn't as loose in high wind.
yes, you'll be needing a new battery soon for 3k, so that brings the cost of the 2015 to only 3k more.