What is your hv battery fan doing during this time? Full speed where you can hear it? Is it clean? Anything blocking the outlet air?
See post #3 This is exactly where I knew the thread was going. Had a bad feeling you were dealing with rip offs or at very least incompetents. I would do exactly as prius camper instructed as well. I would bet money your car never even saw a new / used harness because it did NOT need one. The 50 miles was probably them "reconditioning" your battery by just driving the hell out of your car. They felt like you wanted to spend money. So they let you spend money. Too bad it wasn't for anything you needed! Best Wishes Man!
It is running, but I don't know which speed. The shop says they cleaned the screen filter, but considering other small items they missed, I have my doubt.
I’d look to that area and investigate . As you are finding, a good mechanic is hard to come by. Good luck and keep us posted .
as far as i recall, the only 'filter' on a 2008 is the plastic grille on the passenger side of the seat. someone may have added a filter? the fan itself should have been cleaned with the battery open, it's right there.
Pretty sure the Gen2 fan is up above the passenger rear wheel well. Not like the Gen3 in that regard. So it could be missed or overlooked by a mechanic on a time committed budget.
There's no screen on an HV battery fan in an 08 Prius... These people are as dishonest as the day is long...
yes there is. i saw it for myself. It looks like a mesh screen that could be part of the body panel, but in this case it was about 95% clogged. I specifically asked them to clean it off, and was given assurances that it would be. Does anyone have any temperature specs for a G2. How is Dr. Prius determining that 120 F is an unsafe temp for the battery to be. Why not 110 F? We all know that any temp outside of the chemistry optimal range will reduce battery efficiency. I was curious how these smart apps are indicating what is normal versus what is unsafe?
So, first of all. I agree with prius camper about them being dishonest. I also can back up George W. The 08 I pulled my spare parts off of had a white mesh filter riveted into the plastic under the grille. Now George, as for temperatures. I climbed to the top of pikes peak again today in Penelope and drove her like I stole her, but I couldn't get my ICE or inverter coolant over 200° F and my battery never went above 98° F. My new brakes were a cool 150° F on the way down at the check point and I get all of the from the Hybrid Assistant app. I think 120° is pretty hot for a battery. Mind you I was driving in low 90° F weather just before I started the climb and my car had been on for over 24 hours without rest and I drove 90 miles to get there. I topped back off and used a total of 3 gallons of gas! Then drove home with that SUPER CHARGE from using B to regen down the mountain and got 94.5 mpg OMW home. What a crazy car! Right now I'm sitting here watching my battery recover with my car off with just 2 clicks of the power button. SOC went from 52.9 to 57.6 with car on accessory mode! Incredible! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Bout the hottest I've ever seen it right there! Had it up over 100mph then leveled off at 85 for that snapshot. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Is it possible they swapped packs on you? Like prius camper said, how can taking a pack in and out create a hotspot or hotspots in the pack. I am not sure what to think or what to say to help. I wish places would just be honest. I can't stand all of these turn & burn operations! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Thank you everyone for your experiences. this morning the battery temperature slowly climbs to above on a 105F. As I'm running the Dr. Prius app, I looked under the special features menu and found a checkbox for 'overriding the battery temperature'. This box was not selected, so I selected it. Suddenly the battery fan Roars to life and I can slowly watch my temperatures drop to below 100. I'm very glad that the app had this feature,. Unfortunately this fan control stops as soon as you need to switch over to another app, for example your GPS. You only get the fan control once the Dr.Prius app is the front screen.I need to find a way of setting a higher fan speed when dr. Prius is not the active App.
Hybrid Assistant will blast the fan with the app in the back ground as long as you don't close the app and it's running in the background. The developer sucks and the app is two parts that are a great concept, but over all most of the information in the app is inaccurate. Outside temp, average and instant fuel economy, speed, miles, elevation, and stuff are all wrong. However, it has some useful features that do not require any level of accuracy. Such as fan controls, knowing if your physical brakes are being engaged to maximize regen ability. He built an awesome platform, however when I emailed him to point out the discrepancies in accuracy, he just told me he doesn't make anything off of the app. So I wouldn't expect any improvements. He actually suggested that I pay for Dr. Prius, and support Jack the developer. He said it in a very sarcastic way though, like Jack is making money and the guy who created Hybrid Assistant is clearly jealous of Dr. Prius and it's success. Try emailing the developer and suggesting the app run in the background to maintain fan settings. I am curious if he will be more receptive to positive criticism than the developer of Hybrid Assistant?
I attempted to use hybrid assistant yesterday. It asked me to identify my particular vehicle, and it had no Provisions for Gen 2 Prius or earlier. I uninstall the app and rated it poorly.I I immediately received an email from the developer asking why. After I replied back, he claims I got a fake app, becsube his scans automaticcaly and doesn't ask questions.
I think the developer is a teenager tbh with you. If you rated / gave feedback on someone elses app, how did it get to him? SMH Dude is full of excuses!
This would explain it and that's the case you need to head down to the prosecutor/detective's office... This kind of heat is usually caused when one of the 168 cells starts to go bad and it will continue to get worse, not something you can fix. If you or someone you trust can help you pull off the battery cover each module has serial numbers and QR codes that will allow you to trace their origin/date of manufacture, etc. Also contacting Toyota (not a dealership) might help assist. Or you can file a police report, and then if you have full coverage insurance file a claim with your insurance company and let them go after 'em and that'll cover the cost of a new battery minus deductible.
There is an app called Hybrid Assistant. It will stay resident once it's brought to the foregorund.. or it should. On Android phones it does. But you have to launch it and bring to foreground .. then you can do other stuff. iPhones may not be able to multitask... Not sure how that works. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.