When I picked up the Prius, the HiHy had just come out. Fully loaded Limited trims were the only ones on the lot. Companies are in the business to make money. If your customers are currently willing to buy the expensive model, why waste resources making the entry level one?
I don't disagree with that approach at all. If Tesla said that was their plan, great! But it's not saving the planet with affordable EVs, which what they said they were going to do. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Trickle down economics? Maybe not as cut and dry as the Republican or Democrat establishment would lead one to believe.
What many may be wondering is . . . . are those who are whining & complaining a lot about Tesla still selling the high cost M3 - are the Whiners/Complainers doing so because THEIR cheep M3 wasn't made 1st ? - even building their cheep ones before the high end models come out? Even though the Expensive buyers are the 100's of 1,000's of buyers that you DON'T want to drop of the list (from being impatient waiting) the most? even though building higher profit/cost models more likely guarantees profitability/pays for R&D? Or are the whiners & complainers doing so - w/ the hopes that some how this will alter Tesla's business model. Well . . . . sorry there, prospective econo M3 wait list folk . . . that's not how it works. You pay the least - you don't get to be in 1st class. You have to pony up to get more. Life is not even Steven, unless you're standing in a socialist country food line. But here, if you do more - & you get more. .
I'm not whining and I'm not on the wait list for a Tesla. I'm just wondering where to invest some of my retirement savings. Tesla might have been a good investment when it was under $100. I personally wouldn't touch it at this price while Musk is in charge. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
honestly, if you are researching retirement savings investments, you should not be investing in companies like tesla. sounds like you need a financial adviser.
Most of my money is in mutual funds. I'm thinking of putting a small amount in individual companies as a sort of hobby. Should have bought green mountain coffee when Keurigs started popping up. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Msex, any good water stock, or any good air stock. Long term investment, air and water, kinda nessessarily important.
Am I attacking? Ranting perhaps. My view is that the promise one thing and deliver something else. You're free to disagree. We won't know who is right until official numbers are available. For what it's worth, I didn't think they could produce 5k in the last week of June, but they did, and then projected 50-55k for Q3, which is less than 5k a week. Not sure if that makes me right or wrong. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
you are presenting your case as if a timetable has been missed. can you provide a link to a musk quote stating that there would be a 35k model by now, and in quantity to 'save the world'? and why does a company struggling with a new product, but persevering and clearly improving upset you?
The SEC is requesting that the court prohibit Musk from acting as an officer or director of a public company, along with unspecified monetary penalties. Tesla itself has not been sued, though the company’s stock fell by 10 percent after news of the suit broke. Then hold on, wait for a viable P/E ratio, or tighten your belt and short.
As for their “saving the world”, that is not, and never was their stated goal. Tesla’s goal has always been “to accelerate the adoption of sustainable vehicles”. I would posit that they do that more by sellling 50,000 cars with an average price of $60k, than they would selling 50,000 cars with an average price of $40k.
How about this article from 2014? Tesla Skeptic Puts Actual Model 3 Price Point At $50,000 To $80,000 According to a report titled “The Tesla Battery Report,” there’s virtually no possible way that the Tesla Model 3 will be priced in the mid-$30,000 range as Tesla CEO Elon Musk claims. Of course, no timeline given, but most of the early press says starting at $35K. Looks like the skeptics and naysayers were right back in 2014
I read that. Interesting, and partially correct for the 2017 Model year price. However, it had zero quotes from Musk, or Tesla saying the base model would be vailable right away.
Somewhere in the press that has been twisted: Will Tesla's affordable miracle save the planet? In the fight against global warming, one technological advancement is considered as vital as any other: affordable, zero-emissions personal transport. At the grand unveiling of his company’s new electric car, the Model 3, Tesla founder and serial entrepreneur Elon Musk claimed to have solved the problem.
Not surprising, considering it is ‘the press’. So rather than listening to “the press” why not read the actual statements? Also, if you refer to blog entries, such as the one above, as “the press” please include me as I have a blog too. Oh, so does John, and Bob, Dave, Jane, Bill, Sarah, Tom, Dick & Harry...
don't let faux news be your guide. if you have concerns about the company as an investment, by all means air them for rebuttal. perhaps you should go back and read your own posts, they do not sound objective or inquisitive.
I'll admit I probably can work on my tone. Usually I'm responding to something that strikes me as excessive hype, so of course that puts me into an adversarial position.
Oh duh, rookie mistake not looking for "blog" in the web link :-P Okay, last link of the night, and I spent an hour trying to track this one down again. I believe Green Car Reports to be more news than blog. Tesla Says All-Electric 3-Series Competitor Due By 2015 This link has a quote from Franz von Holzhausen, Tesla's chief designer: Hinting that the target price of Tesla’s compact sedan would be around $30,000, von Holzhausen promised that “the third model will continue to drive down the price point as fast as possible.” I take this as a broad statement that at the time Tesla was all about making EVs affordable. Raising the price for premium paint colors is at odds with that statement. Unfortunately I started dragging in "sensational headlines" when trying to say that it sounds like Tesla has changed it's priorities at some point.