My lovely Gloria was T-boned today. The best car I have ever owned! The owner of the shop I took it to said that, at a glance, it is probably totaled. My mental state is questionable and my emotional state is completely trashed. Half the time anger rules my mind, the other half my eyes just won't stop leaking. I am thoroughly distraught!
Always really sucks when a great car that you have cared for and taken care of is destroyed by someone else's carelessness. The MOST important thing is that you are OK physically, cars can be replaced... People not so much.. If the shop thinks it could be drivable. You can buy a car out of salvage from the insurance company takr the cash and keep the car and repair it. Especially if it's just lots of cosmetic stuff nothing mechanical or structural. Good luck. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Every time I read stuff like this I drive even slower... Make sure to see a doctor ASAP and don't say anything that negates the potential that you have injuries you're not aware of cause the shock of the accident made you not realize it... And on the positive side of it, you're gonna love your next car even more because of this.
There is damage from the front tire all the way back to the rear bumper. The left tie rod is snapped, the wheel tweaked so it wobbles, and with the drivers door closed I can put my hand through the new gap between the window frame and the pillar.
The tire issue can be repaired.. the gap between the door and A pillar could be bad. But if it's the door that has been tweaked that could be replaced. If the A pillar itself is bent. Then the car is likely unsafe to drive. I kinda doubt that.. to bed an a pillar usually will have significant front damage also. Definitely check it out. You may end up being able to fix it and keep it as. Rebuilt salvage car... If it's most minor mechanical and minor cosmetic.. not structural. Good luck... Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I'm glad the car protected you, especially as it sounds like the impact was on your side. My beloved trusty Gen 1, even though it was 15 years and 23x,xxx miles old when crunched, still got me a respectable insurance settlement that took much of the pain out of upgrading to a Gen 3 (the liftback design really is so much more versatile than the Gen 1 sedan!), plus I bought the Gen 1 back from the insurer and sold it to someone who would fix it up. There's lemonade to be made.... -Chap
You didn’t die, your car did. I have had 2 cars totaled myself so I know how you feel. I still miss that 1985 RX-7 GSL-SE.
Jeffy, sorry for you loss. Please post some pics so we can see the carcass. Never try to put humpty dumpty back together again. Perhaps look into a Gen 4 or a newer Gen 3 to replace your fallen Prius.
Hey, YOU didn't die. That's the key. We become attached to our vehicles, especially when we give them names. But almost all vehicles not destined for a car museum, end up eventually with a rather ignoble end. At least "Gloria" went out, protecting you. Keep the fond memories, be thankful you survived, and get excited about the opportunity to get a new vehicle.
I had an SE RX7 too, but I think mine was an 83? That was an awesome car... When your rear-end would slide out it was very responsive because the rear wheels were like a foot away from your butt.
Seeing this thread title, was wondering if someone else signed in to post a (human) eulogy. There are veterans among us and some day the posts will stop for everyone. Maybe with the growth of social media we will see the first PriusChat (human) eulogy some day.* *don't know if that hasn't already happened
I will post the pic I have, probably tomorrow. I know it was a little melodramatic but I truly love this car. My sense of loss is overwhelming right now. Please forgive my exaggeration. Most of the force of impact was centered on the back half of the drivers side front tire to the front of the door crushing that area, bending the rim, snapping the tie rod and warping the door frame. The door swings to about 15 inches from closed, but with force goes all the way to full latch closed. There is scrape damage from the front bumper to the rear bumper, with the majority around the front drivers door. The drivers door window only goes about halfway down before it binds up. The owner of the shop I took it to told me in his opinion it is easily totaled so I've been browsing the listings already. I've found several good possibilities, but it all depends on how the insurance company deals with this. Will keep y'all nformed.
Yea... I remember the day my Subaru I put 200K miles road away on a flat bed truck to be sold as a parts car because aluminum replacement heads for a '92 were no longer available. It was such a sad, sad day... Of course, because of that I ended up with a Prius and all this awesome on Prius Chat, as well as battery rebuild skills that most mechanics don't have. So it was worth it. I'm sure you'll be super pleased with whatever car you get next as well.
They do indeed have online services designed to send your pre-written email to your loved ones once your death is officially announced.... And can you imagine what it's like working in that companies customer service department taking calls from people who's emails were accidentally sent out before they were dead? Lol....
I got a 91 MR-2 after that but not even close. Of all the 2 seat cars I have owned that was my favorite. 2nd place was my 1968 Corvette with a 327. Also owned a 1972 MGB when I was in high school. Good times but the term “Lucas the prince of darkness”. That’s true. But when you are 17 and girls in bathing suits riding on the back deck...Good stuff