My 06 Prius rear seat belts (left and right passenger side; not middle) are being chewed up by a dog . Since my wife and I are expecting our first child within a couple of week, we believe we need to replace the seat belts ASAP for safety reason at the junkyard instead of buying them at the dealer. So what do you think? Any advice or suggestion is greatly appreciated. iPhone ?
They look like they'll hold a car seat. I may have a driver's side available for sale. Not hard to install. I think mine is gray.
I have purchased used ones at the junkyard. They're in great shape. Do you know OR have any DIY info on replacing the seat belts? I am mechanically inclined to do this but do not know where to start iPhone ?
You have to disassemble the back end of the car, remove the side panels and then there's a 14mm bolt holding the seat belts. You can watch videos on YouTube of hv battery replacement. It shows how to disassemble the back end. It's fairly simple. If you have a 10mm impact wrench, it'll be done in 20 minutes
Alright. And are the side panels really that delicate to break? The seller from the junk yard advised me to carefully remove the side panels or these will break so I'm not sure if it true? iPhone ?
No, side panels are not easy to break. Not sure how you can break them unless you don't disassemble the back end correctly. Watch the YouTube videos on hv battery replacement. It's a piece of cake
JC My Prius is 2007 and I intend to replace the rear seat belts (also a bit chewed). Do I need to disconnect the battery before disassemble the back part as seen in the “hv battery replacement” video you suggested? I don’t have any SRS there so I would expect no. Any advice? Thanks QUOTE="JC91006, post: 2650005, member: 119012"]No, side panels are not easy to break. Not sure how you can break them unless you don't disassemble the back end correctly. Watch the YouTube videos on hv battery replacement. It's a piece of cake[/QUOTE]
And did you disconnect the battery before dissambling? Because I have exactly the same problem and this could be very helpfull. Thanks [/QUOTE]
I sure wish someone would do a video of this... I've got two seat belts eaten by dogs to replace. Off to google the battery replacement videos.
they are extremely easy and you don't need a youtube video for that I think it can even be done blindfolded and you don't need to disconnect anything (battery or HV). The side panels (and other panels) are easy to remove and this is where you mostly spend most of the time disassembling. They are very strong despite being chewed, it takes a razor knife to cut it. Unless you're driving at 200+ mph and the baby weighs a ton it could snap. There are seatbelt covers that can hide that cosmetic issue.