I drive a used 2002 Prius. Today I was shopping then I came back out to turn my car on and the triangle symbol with an exclamation point in it came on along with the word Problem on the display screen. Also on the display were 3 symbols: The triangle again (red), the battery (white) and a car with an exclamation point on it (cannot remember if it was red or white). I was attempting to drive it to a repair shop when it stopped accelerating and began to shudder a bit when I tried accelerating it. I am wondering what could cause this and how serious it might be. Thanks!
You need to have the car scanned for codes with a Prius-aware scan tool. You can have this done at a Toyota dealer, where it will probably cost either an hour of labor (about $100-$120) or a diagnostic fee (maybe $50-$60). You can also have it done at a good independent mechanic that specializes in Toyotas - the cost will probably be a little cheaper than the dealer. Before you take the car to an independent mechanic, ask if they have Techstream - this is the Toyota software that knows how to talk to a Prius. If they don't have it, try another mechanic. You can also do it yourself. The easiest way is with a computer that runs 32-bit Windows XP (32-bit Vista or 7 is probably also OK), a "Mini-VCI" cable from Amazon or Ebay for about $25, and a copy of Techstream (which is available here on Priuschat). Basically, you use the Mini-VCI to connect your car to the computer, run Techstream, and ask Techstream for the problem codes. The "generic" scan tools that many car parts stores and some mechanics have will read some of the trouble codes on a Prius, but may not be able to read all of them. The !-triangle and !-car are often associated with the hybrid control system, and a "generic" scan tool won't always be able to talk to that system. It probably won't hurt to go to a car parts store and ask for a free code scan, but they may not find any codes, or they may only find some of the codes. The price is right, though. I know AutoZone and O'Reilly offer this service, and other parts stores may do this as well. Once you have the problem codes, preferably from a Prius-aware scan tool, post here with what they are. I hope this helps!
Have you replaced the 12v battery or the High voltage hybrid battery? Problem could be anything. No oil No coolant Bad fuel injectors Bad hybrid battery Etc Etc Hard to guess without lore details Getting the codes read will at least point in a specific direction.
this is the exact tale tell sign that your hv battery has went belly up. what is the voltage across your traction battery terminals? im guessing it will be down in the 180 - 190v range, that's what mine was when my hybrid battery gave up the ghost...
Give ericbecky a call, his number is in his signature. He absolutely can help diagnose the problems and suggest solutions. From his participation here, he seems to be a standup sort and won't shine you on or cheat you. Welcome to Priuschat, sorry about your troubles!
You probably need to recondition your battery. I just ran across this video explains pretty well what you need to do
I would recommend getting the name brand SkyRC charger though, instead of the cheap Chinese knock-off iMax B6 chargers... Anybody else on this forum ever reconditionforum ever reconditioned there their traction battery, just wondering any pointers...
Watched the video on rebuilding HV battery, and just wondered what software they were using for the live feed on HV battery. Also will it work on an iPhone and a Gen1 Prius. It would be wonderful to monitor the operation w/o having to have a laptop running in the vehicle. The education on revamping the modules with a SkyRC will be useful. We have been having an issue with a P3009/P3000-123 which appears to be a result of moisture getting into the trunk area. Found an open area around the trunk seal which has now been fixed, so we'll see. Triangle and codes cleared and have not returned. Decided if codes resurface, I will remove and revamp HV battery as I think there may be some areas of contamination in the battery case. Thanks for posting the video and any info you can provide on the software monitoring the battery would be helpful. That appears more convenient than a laptop with Techstream. Thanks
Lots of those software are available. One of them is I think Dr something hybrid, and you also get a Bluetooth enabled s an