When I press the Power button twice - I do *not* touch the brake - the gasoline engine starts after approx 10 seconds - every time. The parking brake is still on, and I do not intend to go anywhere during this time. Is this normal?
If you do not touch the brake, then the gas engine should never start, and the dash display should not say 'READY'.
I would check if the brake pedal switch is faulty. Are your brake lights on all the time? Does your cruise control still work?
Is it a cold start? If so, the engine has to reach operating temperature before going into electric mode. If the engine is warmed up, the ICE should not run after starting the car.
Yeah, foot off the brake, two pushes of the Start button, should put the car in what's traditionally known as "accessory" mode: all the interior lights, ventilation, radio on, but no engine start. I'd second @Maarten28 : sounds like a faulty brake switch.
Not a start at all. At least not supposed to be a start. The only thing that makes sense to me at all would be a stuck brake switch. But wouldn't that drain the 12v battery pretty quickly?
So according to thread title, it is normal for motor in car to start before car moves. Engine turns over first, then you put car in drive and car begins to move, that’s normal.
The title is very misleading. You need to read the original post itself. He didn't start the car. It is not normal for the car to start when doing what the OP did. "When I press the Power button twice - I do *not* touch the brake - the gasoline engine starts"
If the brake switch was stuck on, I would think you would only need to press the button once for the car to turn on. When the cars in Ready mode are the brake lights always on? You could check by Firmly setting the parking/emergency brake. Maybe even chock the wheels. Walking around back and to see if the brake lights are on, even when you are not touching the brake.
I checked my car and the brake lights came on just by me opening the door (car off) and pressing the brake pedal. Lit up the whole garage. So, if it's a stuck switch, it should be pretty obvious.
Well, ehrm, "accessory" mode is where you get with foot off the brake and one push of the button. ACC will power small non-driving loads like the radio (and the power outlets, I think), but not the instrument cluster or the heat/ventilation. The mode traditionally called "on" is where you get with foot off brake and two pushes. Power to everything that's powered in ACC, plus the instrument cluster and warning lights and heater blower and pumps and turn signals and all that jazz. And of course "ready" is where you get pushing the button with foot on brake. If you're just trying to listen to the end of that captivating story on the radio, ACC will drain the battery a lot more slowly than ON. -Chap
It’s a ‘10, the 12v is suspect, as is the traction, not suspect so much as aged. A wired problem, hm, 12v
I was being a smarty pant, just want title of threads to be descriptively close to the issue on hand. If we, I mean I, want to do a search (no one does it anymore) I can find the post later to help someone out.
I should probably add windows to the list of things that work in "ON" but not "ACC." I had been thinking the same way about the title. I wonder if the world famous and greatly appreciated @Tideland Prius would be willing and able to edit the title to better introduce that actual question posed by the originator.