Tesla has the adapters on their Tesla Shop website to fit most available electric outlets and have a complete manual on the available charging rates for each outlet type.
Look at the circuit breaker rating in amps and limit charging to 80% to avoid melted outlets and frequent circuit breaker trips. Bob Wilson
The J1772, NEMA 14-50 and standard 110V plug adapters come with the car. There are a number of other adapters also available to buy.
Glad to hear your relative got their 3! Are they happy with it? Any quality problems with it? Just looking for anecdotal information. In related news, two people where I work are on the Tesla waiting list. One is growing tired of waiting for the SR version and will probably cancel, the other just ordered a fully loaded 3LR. I've also been seeing an S in the parking lot but don't know who owns it.
I am planning to install a 14-50 receptacle and wire for 40A and a 40A breaker. The Mobile Connector is limited to 32A so a good fit. The 30 mph charging rate will be more than enough for my normal driving needs. I have a Supercharger close to my house if I need to go to 100% for trips or after returning from a trip.
He is absolutely ecstatic with the car. He comes from a background of Mustang (used to drag race it), Morris mini (very undependable), Saturn (a real dog of a car), and recently a Mazda M3 (a gas hog). He says the model 3 is in a league of its own. He says the 3LR is "stupid fast" and though it is now the slowest car Tesla builds, it would blow the doors off his Mustang. The car was delivered as a perfect build in every way. After 3 weeks he has one issue, the rear speakers (sub woofer) only works intermittently so he is going to have service check the connections. When all the speakers are working, the sound is better than the high end system he has in his house. He is currently experiencing the free two week trial of Autopilot. He says he can't get used to it and doesn't trust it yet. He thinks he might need longer than a free two weeks to decide if he wants to buy it!
Consider putting in a 50A breaker if your box will support it. Should only cost a couple dollars more. You will then be able to charge at around 37 m/h. Tesla recommends that you only charge to a max. of 80% (~250 miles of range) on a daily basis to extend battery life. The exception is when you are going on a trip within 24 hours, then charge it up to 100% the previous night. Happy charging the Silver Bullet!
Using a mobile connector with a Model 3 limits you to 32A. With a 100A service, I see no need to oversize the breaker.
True, but a 50A breaker would allow the installation of an HPWC if desired in the future. Most newer homes were built with 200A service. That's why I said, "if your box will support it."
To charge at 37A I would have to get another Gen 1 Mobile Connector. The Gen 2 unit that comes with the car is limited to 32A and the 30 mph charge rate is more than enough to meet my needs. I will just plan to top off every night to 80% as you say. Thanks for the info.
is it the 3's onboard charger that only does 32amps? .... or is it their mobile charger/evse that only does 32 amps. Because (I know I asked this somewhere else also - sorry) our mobile evse does 40amps. Perhaps the best way to tell where the limitation is - would be if the model 3 is charging on the high-power wall charger. If it too, can only deliver 32 amps, then it's the car and not the mobile charger. .
My understanding is that it is the Gen 2 Mobile Connector limitation. The Gen 1 Mobile Connector will go to 40A. The HPWC can go to 48A. I just checked the Tesla Charging manual and this is correct. Is your Mobile Connector a Gen 1? The Gen 2 is what comes with the Model 3.
It’s the mobile charger. The onboard charger, so I have heard, is limited to 48A/240V. The new mobile connector has a thinner cable making it easier to use.
I had to update my avatar to show the new Silver Bullet!. Tesla just updated my delivery estimate to late September. I am not surprised they are trying to get it in the end of the quarter.
JD, your new avatar looks great! I agree, Tesla is going to push deliveries before end of September to increase numbers and profit for Q3/18. Which Delivery Center will you take delivery? Keep us posted.