I have been watching the Model 3 and waiting for the Standard Range Battery (220 miles) since it was announced in 2016, like so many others. I wanted to keep the price in the 40’s and not the 50’s! Well I pulled the trigger this weekend and ordered a Long Range Battery (310 miles)! The reason being in order to get the full $7500 EV tax credit, which will expire at the end of the year. From what I understand is that when Tesla does announce the availability of the SR battery in Q1-Q2 2019, it will be about a 6 month wait due to the number of reservations in the queue. That will put the EV tax credit at $1875. The difference in price between the LR and SR batteries ($9,000) now becomes only about $3,600 with the difference in tax credits. I have really enjoyed my 2010 Prius. It has been a trouble-free car and has saved me a lot of money. I now have the same sense of excitement waiting for the Model 3 that I had waiting for the Prius. I looked at the other EV offerings but none of them compared to the Model 3 in my opinion. I could have saved some money going with one of the others, but like the Prius in its time, the Model 3 is the technology leader.
The Estimated Delivery is Nov. 18 through Jan 19. The sales people in Raleigh, NC tell me they are delivering in about 2 months now.
I am going with a Silver Metalic. It was between the Silver Metalic or the Midnight Silver Metalic like my Prius. I really liked the Silver Metalic better on the Model 3.
I’ve seen all the colors out here and my favorite is the dark blue. A guy who works in the next business over has one that I occasionally follow from the freeway and it looks great . Either silver is a great choice. A guy at work has a white one that is his wife’s that he brings on occasion that they just took delivery of. But his wife has driven it 5 times and 2 of those some damage has occurred . In the shop now waiting for the front bumper to be reattached . Hope they deliver in 2 months for you.
The car that I drove for the test drive was dark blue. Beautiful car! They had a red with white interior both Model 3 and Model S. Those colors really pop! My school colors are red and white! I almost went with the red but could not do the white interior! Thanks
WELL DONE and CONGRATULATIONS! A metallic silver model 3 is the rarest color! You will be unique! What options did you select? Are you going with EAP? From the reports I read, people on the East Coast who order a model 3LR now are getting them in 6 to 8 weeks. I expect you will be getting your car in late October/early November or sooner. My guess, is that people with no reservation who order the $35K model 3SR as soon as they become available, will get them in Q2/19.
I selected the RWD, 18” Aero Wheels, Premium Black Interior, and EAP. The EAP is just awesome! If the SR becomes available at the first of the year, I think you are probably right about Q2 Delivery. The way the SR has been a moving target, I just finally decided not to take the chance. Thanks
The aesthetics of the the 18" aero wheels is controversial, but I am a big fan of them - two different looks for the wheels by removing the covers, 4% to 5% increase in range on long trips with the covers, more efficient 18" tires with longer life and less expensive to replace. I like EAP too, but it does take maybe a month to understand and trust the system completely. I know you are going to enjoy your car. Thank you for caring. I am a Mar, 31. 2016, day one reservation holder. I am still waiting for air suspension option (I need it for handicap reasons) and I would prefer the SR version. I will be near the top of the list when those options are released. The tax credit is not essential for me, so I am playing the waiting game. The model 3 will be my last car and I am going to get the one I really need. In the meantime, a relative recently got his 3LR and I get to enjoy his.
I really liked the looks of the 19” wheels on the Silver car but I agree with you on the 18” Aeros. It took me a couple of tries on the EAP during my test drive to finally let go of the wheel and trust it with encouragement from my sales guy. I think you are right about a month to understand and trust completely. It is nice to know that they are upgrading and improving EAP all of the time. Good luck on your car. I will continue to watch and post on here. This may be my last car as I am 67 now and tend to hold on to cars for 10 years or so. Thank you for caring!
Holy Cow! I just received an email saying my tentative delivery date is for 10/2! I really wasn’t expecting it until late October as you said.
This doesn't surprise me, that's why I put "or sooner" in my post above. My first time buyer,family member got theirs in 4 weeks. They were totally unprepared! Elon has been accused of "over-promising and under-delivering," including on this forum. But the truth is Tesla has been over-delivering in range, performance, fit and finish, and delivery schedule. This is exciting JD! You're going to be driving the "Silver Bullet!" Get that 240 charger installed in your garage, pronto!
I like the “Silver Bullet”! I am going to use a Dryer Outlet to start with and see how that goes. From what I see most on the Tesla forum will tell you that Elon has over-delivered and the car exceeds their expectations!
I'm pretty sure you are going to need an adapter to use your dryer outlet. Check for advice on the Tesla model 3 Forum - good people there other than the trolls.