I'm still watching Lucas Boy. He's on everyday at 3pm. I think he killed 2 or 3 bad guys every show. I really liked the one with Sammy Davis Jr. Engineer Bill, Sheriff John, Captain Kangeroo.... classics! I was a little guy, then. I Married Joan. I remember that too. And Father Knows Best. My Three Sons. Good clean shows.
bisco, I kind of feel that way about today's shows. The newer shows. Never really got interested in them. I have insomnia many nights, so I'm watching some of the oldies on cable. Just to pass time. That, and reading. Yes, everything is very dated. I watch these old detective shows: Ironside Mannix Cannon Streets of San Francisco Rockford Files Kojak Columbo Hunter And a couple others. Most of my TV watching is in the middle of the night. Not much in the day. I'm out tooling around in the Prius. I don't have Netflix or any of the streaming services. Just the very basic (cheap!) cable. $45 a month. I don't even have wifi.
How could I forget this one? The Mickey Mouse Club (from the 1950s with Jimmie Dodd, Annette Funicello, etc.) I actually met Jimmie Dodd in 1963, about 1 1/2 years before he passed away from cancer. I recognized him in a hotel restaurant in Niagara Falls. Really kind and gracious man. My sister was a big fan of The Patty Duke Show Gidget (Sally Field) Dr. Kildare (Richard Chamberlain)
Going with that genre and time frame, there's also the original Hawaii 5-0 with Jack Lord and Miami Vice with Don Johnson.
Hawaii Five-O. 1968-1980. Excellent! Another all-time favorite. I see a lot of these old shows on a channel called: MeTV (Memorable TV.) and COZI, and getTV. (Currently watching the Dick Van Dyke show. )
I remember all those old tv shows, but I didn't see anyone mention Route 66 yet. And I agree with some that have said when they watch most any of those old shows now, they just look extremely dated. Route 66 (TV series) - Wikipedia
Oh yeah, and who can forget Sky King? Sky King - Wikipedia My dad was a pilot in the Air Force, so watching this show was "approved!"
Martin Milner in Route 66. MeTV was showing that, too. How did I not mention RAWHIDE? The Big Valley Branded Rin Tin Tin Did someone mention Gunsmoke? Sky King (thanks dbf) Gene Autry Show Wanted: Dead or Alive All these shows that have been mentioned, I saw years later in re-runs. And now many are being shown again. Most of them were good clean shows... a simpler time. Dated, yes, but still enjoy. There's a lot of big kid left in me I guess. And that's good, as I hope to never become a grumpy old man.
1958. We need more good citizens like Lucas McCain, to keep the thugs off the street. Definitely would not be politically correct today. I saw Chuck Connors at an airport in CA, in the 1980s. He's a very tall man, and he was still lean & mean looking. Played professional baseball and basketball before acting.
Yep, it's still on.... every night. (Somebody buy bisco a TV.... He's missing out. ) And as I flip channels, there's Gomer Pyle! And Andy & Barney in Mayberry.
Soupy Sales (w/White Fang, Pookie the Lion, and Hippy the Hippo) On January 1, 1965, miffed at having to work on the holiday, Sales ended his live broadcast by encouraging his young viewers to tiptoe into their still-sleeping parents' bedrooms and remove those "funny green pieces of paper with pictures of U.S. Presidents" from their pants and pocketbooks. "Put them in an envelope and mail them to me", Soupy instructed the children. "And I'll send you a postcard from Puerto Rico!" Several days later, a chagrined Soupy announced that money (mostly Monopoly money) was unexpectedly being received in the mail. He explained that he had been joking and announced that the contributions would be donated to charity. As parents' complaints increased, WNEW's management felt compelled to suspend Sales for two weeks. Young viewers picketed Channel 5. The uproar surrounding Sales' suspension increased his popularity. Sales described the incident in his 2001 autobiography Soupy says! My Life and Zany Times.
Don't forget Sergeant Preston of the Yukon! Sergeant Preston of the Yukon (TV series) - Wikipedia Although somehow, I remember the name of the show as Sergeant Preston and the Canadian Mounted Police.