This is mainly a heads-up to potential new buyers. Toyota has made a structural upgrade to the safety cage in the Prius. To determine if a car you're considering has the upgraded safety cage, look at the manufacture date found inside the driver's door on the B-pillar. Cars made after May of 2018 have the new structure. The IIHS is now crash-testing cars on both the driver and passenger side because they found many manufacturers were only enhancing the safety cage on driver's side. Toyota added a brace to the lower hinge of the passenger door before submitting the Prius to the passenger-side test.
Not sure, it may have changed mid-month so there's no real way to know. I wouldn't worry if you're already purchased the car, the vast majority of real-life small-overlap crashes are on the driver's side.
Why not peek at the lower right front door hinge? 50/50 chance the part is visible. Might need to compare some pictures.
They added the Prime headlights to the standard Prius? Looks good. One article said there may be two versions of the new engine, with a 2.5L being an option? Probably the same engine as in the Hybrid Camry. That would make me drive too fast.
No, I think it's a 1.8 modified with the same modifications which were made to the 2.5. There was mention that the Corolla 2.0 could make it - but it's l/100 (MPG) score is poor in comparison (24% higher).
That's the size map I need. We fill up here, dump our load here and go home to fight another day. Just like a garbage truck. Like the evil cat look on the front. If they manage to improve the MPG it will be 7 consecutive miracles.