I have synched entune with my Pandora account. Playing music works ok. Then I stop Pandora and switch over to Bluetooth listening to a podcast app. Next I turn off the car, the podcast app on Android stops. But then Pandora entune starts playing again on my phone. The Pandora Android app was never launched. Now I have an app running in the background that I can't stop. Has anyone run into this before? Should I just stay away from entune?
I replied to a guy in this thread, he's having bluetooth issues, but has never replied. Music through Bluetooth just... stopped working? | PriusChat But like I told him, according to my brother and son, Pandora is throwing fits with Honda & GM vehicles. So most likely it's not you, or your car - but rather Pandora.
Yup, it's very annoying, the only way I found that stops Pandora from continuously playing on your phone and distracting everyone around you is to power down your phone or restart it Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I've had to do the same thing. This is more of an Android question, but is there a way to kill a process without "turning it off and on again"?
I'm not sure if this is correct, but my best guess is that the way Entune presents Pandora (and other services) in your vehicle is by hooking the app on your cellphone. i.e., Pandora runs on your cellphone and Entune uses its bluetooth capabilities to display and control it from the Entune screen on your dashboard. While you may believe that the Pandora Android app was never launched, it was launched from your dashboard. When you are not in your car, your cellphone still runs Entune but presents its functions on your cellphone screen and audio. (I find this useful when checking sports scores quickly on my cellphone using the Entune interface rather than a web browser or other app.) I'm guessing that if you do not shut down Pandora, it continues to run on your cellphone and, once the bluetooth connection to your car is lost, Entune just uses the Entune interface on your phone instead of the one in your car. Quite possibly the Entune software designers thought this would give you a seamless experience. And, if that's what you wanted, it does. But if you want Pandora to stop without additional intervention when you turn off your car, it's far from optimal. You should be able to exit Pandora within Entune on your cellphone or just stop Entune manually. There are several ways to do this as is explained here: 3 Ways to Close Apps on Android