If maximum MPG is a goal, then drive it like you'd ride a bike. On a bike would you exert unnecessary effort going up a hill, or down, or approaching a stop? Like I tell my wife, your foot is not obligated to press either the gas or brake at all times, for coasting is not only permitted, but encouraged. That being said, I stopped telling my wife how to drive years ago. Still have the scars, though.
That even though the newer / longer range Nissan Leaf has greater range than the measly sub 80 miles of the 1st leaf - the capacity loss of its newer cousin happens even faster than its earlier version. In short, best advice one can get is to stay away from these things. .
That's fantastic! It's a great way to encourage EV curiosity and interest when you can provide a few solid answers to those who approach you while you're out and about.