Hello there.i have 2012 model prius.meter is about 60 k miles.its with me for last 4 months.it has some wierd problem.whwn ever I tried to hilly areas , it create sum head ache for me.specialy on steep clumbing,suddenly all warning light comes on and the car stops .engine oil is there .both coolent there.but it is happening again and again.i scanned it 2 times but they coudnt sorted it out.on plain areas it is completely ok even in 45 c weather.kindly help if any body knows what's the problem.thank
It could be the engine overheating? Does the coolant fan come on? You really need to check the engine fault codes to see what is going on. Or try and get more information about the status of the car by using an OBDII reader or an app like Torque or Hybrid Assistant.
That could be consistent with a faulty cooling pump for the inverter. The trouble codes would help to be sure. It is best to read them with something, like Techstream, that can get all the information from a Prius. -Chap
Could be as simple as a loose electrical connection......or as complicated as the high voltage battery going bad. I suggest that your repair shop should hook up the code reading device and ride with you so you can demonstrate the failure.......while they watch the code reader to try and catch what is really going on.
Are you scanning it, or a generic automotive repair shop, and either way: what is being used to scan? Toyota has proprietary software called Techstream, which the best bet. Are there any Toyota dealerships in your area?