Red, long range (only choice now), premium, autonomous. Like least: many little things on the display, such as too small of fonts on stuff that could easily be bigger; such as the clock & temp which is way on the far right. Must have been designed sitting in an office on a PC by a 30 year old. (But, in general, the touch screen display is something I really like) The phone as key works, but it is still hard to get used to just walking away without locking it. (Note: after the doors close and some numbers of seconds elapse or the bluetooth signal is lost, your car locks.) I prefer the touch on the handle on the PIP. It is also hard to get used to no Start just press the brake while in the drivers seat with your phone in range or use the key card. For the (valet) key card you had to tap in on the door post and attempt to start within a few seconds or place it on the arm rest console. All this is handy, but I still find myself trying to push the (missing) start button. I also like the Prius hatchback better for cargo...but there is a lot of space in the M3 trunk(s). As far as driving comparison....Model 3 is far superior. And 310 miles... And the efficiency is better than I expected. In my PIP I averaged ~180 w-hr/mile. But this was slightly cheating since long trips were gas which are generally faster driving, more freeways. In the M3 I'm at 205 w-hr/mile so far -- just 300 miles total including freeway and a few fast starts. The seats are a real upgrade. And you get to program them for each driver. The smaller glove box is a negative...but the console storage space is much bigger and has a nice his and hers phone charger hidden (or not) storage place. The phone app is nice...and so is the internet access for various audio options. No AM radio is a big negative...but there is Tunein internet radio which has all the AM stations I care about. Mike
What did you do with your PIP? Or is that still with you and the Leaf got returned? Any pics? Glad to hear you got it.
to segway back to the OP, & directed to Bob - i just noticed that one of our fellow long time PC members, 'evnut' (Darrell) who we met in Detroit prior to their auto show - he's on the Model 3 AWD wait list. One of his acquaintances in Central Cali takes delivery of his AWD Model 3 TODAY !! So - we'll likely start hearing reviews - & get real world comparisons. Next, the cheap versions will start rolling off the assembly line. .
Helpful info Mike, thanks. I agree with you Mike, but I do find the graphics and displays to be as big or bigger than those on the PIP. Elon has indicated that more voice commands will be added in the future as a result of OTA update so the display will be more user friendly. I understand that a "chirp" has been added when the car locks. Have you experienced that? What update or you on? But I do still prefer the SKS system. That will take some getting used to, but I think I will come to prefer that system. Agree. That is a compromise I am willing to make with a sedan style compared with a CUV like the PIP. I don't carry much bulky stuff anymore. Yes, programmable driver profiles are going to be very convenient for us. How many profiles are available?
Oh yes...the large screen makes maps so much better! This is the first in-car voice system that really works for me. And it converts what you say to text so you can see what it thinks you said. Yes, I've had that the whole time. Definitely good. I also have mirrors set to fold so I can just look and see the car is locked. Just got an update notification this morning as I got to work...will see how it works later today. My phone says it is 2018.28.2 I think they told me something like 17 (or maybe that was how many keys there can be) Anyway, I created 4 profiles so far Mike
What trim / accessories did you have on the PIP? you don't feel at all disappointed in the quality of the model 3? What about value?
hmmmm We've been on 2018.26 3bbd9fd for almost a month. There really hasn't been anything significant though, since the OTA "anti-teenager/speed limiting mode" was added. Maybe we're the lab rats. .
base PIP Not at all. Why would you assume I should? Pretty much every eco-car is a lesser value when you are just trying to get from point A to point B. But I like the nicer features, long range, acceleration of the Model 3. Mike
Pretty much looks like all the other red ones. Mike[/QUOTE] While the 101 was a parking lot today, a car transporter pulled on at Cesar Chavez and I got to follow it all the way to Fairfield. That 45 mile drive took over 3 hours. It had 8 Model 3s on it, 6 of which were red. Excellent color choice.
I’m a fan of red: After staring at the red Model 3s for about 3 hours, it definitely grew on me. But that wasn’t the best car viewed on the way home: a white BMW i8 took that. Interesting car to see up close.
It's just been my experience, after the hype of the first few deliveries the response has overwhelmingly been underwhelmed when it comes to value. Of course, I can only speak for myself and the ~dozen people I know that reserved and have since cancelled. The car is very very nice, but it's massively overhyped (and overpriced IMO) Congrats though, I'm glad you like it and I hope it serves you well!
Breathing the dead dinosaur fumes from the i8 is also interesting. You too can get a best car i8 for around $150K and burn about 25 mpg of dead dinosaur money. And they are selling like cold-cakes.
You know more people who have cancelled than I do and I follow these things. And for every 12 people who have cancelled, there have been something like 13 or 14 who have placed new orders.[/QUOTE]
Congratulations Mike, nice car. I have been driving my relatives car, a 3LR and it is spectacular. Perfect build and everything works. The naysayers change their tune once they test drive the car.