I'm glad that I can join this 600 miles club . This tank was done during summer time with 195/65/15 wheels. I've used A/C on lowest fan setting around 25% of the time. I've used P&G and N to achieve 600 miles on a single tank. I've filled 9.7 gallons after this tank. I've got a blinking pip around 550 miles.
Good Job, Congratulations. You even had a good 75-100 miles left in the tank. What was your tire pressure? If you were running at 35 psi, 42 psi can get you a 700 mile tank with the same driving style as you did with the 600 mile tank. Then again, its no picnic squeezing out big tanks in the summer with low AC.
This is unofficial because I don't have a photo of the display (didn't read the thread until after the tanks), but I had two 600 mile tanks in a row early on driving from New Hampshire to California last week. It is documented on my Fuelly. I got 622 miles averaging 57.6 mpg (NH through Vermont, Quebec, and Ontario to Michigan), then 620 miles averaging 56.3 mpg (Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa). It was August and warm to hot, so I was running the AC. This was all highway except for slower two lane road through NH. I was driving about 100 km/hr (62 mph) much of the time, slower in NH. I didn't use any driving techniques except not going faster than about 65 mph even when the speed limit was higher unless I was coasting downhill. I liked cruising the 100 km/hr limit in Canada. I know from experience (and Priuschat) that I have about 2 gallons left when the last fuel bar starts blinking. So averaging about 60 mpg on the go after the blinking started, I didn't feel like I was pushing it going an additional 80 miles. The blinking bar started before the distance to empty gets to zero. I think it's probably more like 2 gallons left after DTE gets to zero rather than the start of the blinking last bar on the fuel gauge. I only filled up 10.8 and 11.0 gallons on those tanks, so I still had about 1 gallon in reserve. There were two more tanks on the trip that had 600 mile potential, but I added gas early because I wasn't sure of the gas station intervals ahead, or I wanted to get cheaper fuel before entering CA. Most of the gasoline on the trip had up to 10% ethanol. I used 87 octane except for 91 one time, because it didn't have ethanol. The 600+ mile tanks were on 87. My dog and I were sleeping in the car, so we did have lower gas mileage for the tank that included a hot, humid night in Omaha where I kept the AC on all night. I have the 15-inch wheels with Yokohama Avid Ascends, running 44/42 psi. Interestingly, I got much better mileage, about 55 mpg, on this east-to-west cross country trip than my west-to-east cross country trip back in March, about 49 mpg. My tire pressure for the earlier trip was 40/38 psi. My car did get a new EGR valve a week before the current trip under the enhanced warranty for DTC P0401. My car is otherwise out of warranty and currently has about 162,000 miles on it. I've owned it for the past 11,000 miles or so (since this January). I think maybe part of the difference between the two trips is the EGR valve, a little of the difference is in the tire pressure, and most of the difference is in the prevailing winds.
Following up the previous post, and making it official with a photo, my last tank was also over 600 miles. This time, most of the miles came from driving from San Diego to San Jose. The display was showing 55-56 mpg for that part, but the last 150 miles or so included a lot of short, low gas mileage trips around town. It took 11.49 gallons to fill up, and the overall average for the tank was 52.5 mpg. The tires, tire pressure, and driving were otherwise similar to what I covered in the previous post. WP_20160819_006 by Lightning Racer posted Aug 20, 2016 at 2:30 AM
Yes, and I think you can go with 38 psi in the tires as somepeople here go into the 40s. That will get you another 20 miles on a tank
My first officially-proven 600 miles. So proud of myself (Yes I know; actually 600 miles is ~965 kilometres but I was just too lazy to take another trip round the city just to get those few extra kilometres. Snapped this photo when I was filling up.)
I'm pretty impressed with al these numbers. I'll have to check my tire pressure to see if the are low. I just picked our 2010 two Fridays ago and when I filled up the tank, it said DTE was about 450 miles (725kms). Right now, it looks like I'll get about that, so I'm concerned as to why it's so "low". I'm still wowed, since my other Vehicle is a Ram with a Hemi lol
Do you have it on eco mode? Do you accelerate into the 'red' zone? Are you driving above 60 mph? All of these will knock down your mpg.
I always leave it in eco mode and try to avoid the red zone as long as I'm not holding traffic behind me haha. I try to stay below 65mph can usually be around 63/64) when on the highway going into work, but use a different route coming back where I can stay around 50mph. I did just fill my tank again yesterday and will be trying real hard to gain more this tank...I constantly look at the HSI...it's addictive...
I managed to get in the 600 miles club ! Actually 622 miles as my car is in metric units. 44 psi front/42 rear 0w16 oil, 5mm from full on dipstick fresh air filter 25/30°c ambiant, used A/C on 23°c, 2nd speed blower. Various roads, city driving, some hills. Managed 4.6L/100 mesured fuel consumption (51mpg, 56mpg on screen), 46 liters used exactly at the pump (12,15 gallons). Lost the Traction control on last kilometer in a turn, was a bit afraid...I took some fuel in the car in case of...I think there was nothing left, maybe 2 liters as I always fill at the neck. Was happy to get to the fuel station, take the pic and fill up ! Still, I did it ! Robin
Congrats, welcome to the club... but that was scary! you had nothing left in your tank. Even when I made the 700 mile club, I never filled up that much gasoline. My usual refill at 1100km is around 37 to 39 litres. 42 litres was the highest I've ever crammed into my tank... and that was back when I didn't know overfilling was bad.
Congrats! But +1 that it was a very near-run thing. US spec for Gen 3 hatchback is 11.9 US gallons, so to get 12.15 gallons into yours implies that you were truly almost dry! Courage! If you are crazy, you can continue oN to the 700 mile club! I'm waiting for strong North winds around Christmas to try for the 800-mile club on a straight (but slow!) run South to Florida.
Is nobody going for the 600 mile club in 3rd gens any longer? I just got my 2010 Prius this Spring and today did my first ever 600+ mile tank fillup. A picture of your HSI display with the required number of miles -- Uploaded/attached. A description of your techniques (doesn't have to be exhaustive) and conditions -- I try to... stay in ECO power range; stay under 60mph on highway; maintain very steady throttle position; anticipate traffic and traffic signals; avoid use of AC unless necessary... Most of my driving is weekday commute (80mi round trip) early a.m. & early p.m. Roads mostly 40+mph. Time of year -- 2018-08-01 through 2018-08-10. How long you ran on the blinking low-fuel warning light -- Not sure how many miles on blinking last pip, but I know I was about 50 miles past "0mi" DTE. Wheel and tire setup -- Factory 15" wheels, with 2012-2015 wheel covers. Tires Michelin Defender XT (bought by previous owner), 195/65R15, pressures approximately 44/41psi. Edit: Put in 10.460 gals for a calculated tank average of 61.8mpg (best tank I've had so far). I could have gotten a 700+ mile tank without too much danger, it seems.
The 3rd gen has been around for 9 years now. So most just drive and get on with their lives. Those who of us who broke 600 can now do so regularly it's boring. But if we'd make 700 or 800, i'm sure you'd hear us cackling louder than a hen that layed an egg haha.
Hilarious comment at the end, reminds me of a looney tunes episode. My current commute goes 75 mpg one way, and 54 mph the way back- 4 miles each way, so I get a bit above 600 miles per tank filling up right before DTE is 0. So close of buying a mo-ped now
From catastrophic engine failure in June to the 600 mile club on a Frankenstein’s monster of a Gen 4 shortblock with a Gen 3 head. Driving without a scanguage, keeping the HSI out of the power zone, setting cruise control when possible. 621.3 miles on 11.8 gallon of gasoline. 125 miles past 0 miles to empty.
Congratulations to you and mrwhsprs for the achievement! Kudos to get Doctor Frankenstein’s engine to work—I followed your thread and that was a LOT of technical work. I’m stuck having done the 7-mile tank OK, but also having a big, fat FAIL on the 800-mile tank attempt. Part of problem is that my religion prohibits unnecessary fossil fuel consumption, so i have to try to make these attempts as part of a normal, required, trip format and thus cannot wait for ideal conditions. (One ideal condition is a spouse who will stay in the car while i drive 800+ miles at a steady 30 mph!)