Hmmm - I really think MOST don't really care. I bought a new car - bigger, different colour, hatch rather than a sedan, silent initially (yes, my PRIUS) went to pick up my mother. Long drive. On the way home we were going to the bank, she reached up and pulled down the sunvisor to check her lipstick or something (I don't know about these things). "Oh, you've put a cover over the mirror". Duh!!! She did like the light - then woke up to it being a new car. I was a mad-car-loving teenager (in the '60s). Mum'd often say "Uncle R got a new car" etc. Excitedly I'd ask "WHAT!!!?". Oh, it's beige. That was as much as she'd notice. I well remember in '72, my girlfriend (now my absent wife) bought a sewing machine, an Empisal, and I had checked it over carefully (I was able to use one quite well, my girlfriend was going to learn). I told Mum that she had a new sewing machine. Mum asked "What sort?". I replied "It's OFF-WHITE". And left her to ask my girlfriend the details. Giggling all the way.
PS Yes, some do notice. I've had some informative conversations with some who know their cars. My middle daughter for one. She is the one who kept "borrowing" my workshop tools - if I couldn't find it, it would be in her 1) sewing corner (she had an industrial sewing machine, overlocker and fancy electronic machine); 2 bedroom; or car. But - I think most will appreciate a good looking car like an E Type, but most won't get excited by a Bentley more than a Suzuki.
Prius is #6... but, VW Camper is #1. LOL My wife can't tell the difference between Prius and Camry. They maybe thinking of some different cars?
Just a click-bait opinion list but for some reason they numbered them backwards from most to least (doesn't really affect the Prius in the middle). #1 F150. Seems to jibe with sales numbers.
She'd have light bulbs changed before I'd get to it. She was standing on her bed on day with a spanner and screwdriver - taking the blades off her fan so she can clean them better - then decided to paint them!! I couldn't interest her in welding though, nor electronics. But - she owns her own business making exclusive wedding dresses - some of the best in the country now. (she's the one in the shorter dress below, posing with a high profile bridal party)
My wife seemed to like our 2 VW Microbuses - but newer 74 and 77. The '74 I made a camper conversion which could interchange with the seats.
Some of the cars on the list aren't very Surprising to me. Then again, out of 15 cars in the list, Prius is the only car I have driven, so what do I know?
Interesting - I know a few who have Twin Cabs (like TACOMA, but called HILUX here). Their husbands thought they'd make good family cars - but most aren't that keen on them. From conversations, they'll probably not get another.
Women care about two things. Financial stability and tongue. You catch them with the first, you keep them with the other.
I depends on the woman. My wife has a Dodge Ramcharger when I married her (a predecessor to an SUV) since one of her hobbies was horses.. In 2000 we bought our full size Toyota Tundra pickup truck because she wanted and we were wearing out the old station wagon trying to haul pickup truck sized loads. I thin the fact he was raised on a farm had some influence. She now gardens with an old Farmall row crop tractor.
All women welcome! Time is running out. Here in SoCal, with hundreds of thousands of Prii on the road, I don't think any women are impressed with the car, or the man. And especially when an old ugly dude like me is driving it.