Normally I get 55 mpg as an average since I bought my 2011 Prius as new. Since a few weeks back I've been using the "Hyper Assistant" app on my Android mobile (paired with OBDLink MX bluetooth interface) and I find it very interesting and fun to use. Best mileage so far in "ECO"-mode is 71 mpg which Hyper Assistant helped me to achieve making it easier to coast and glide (see attached photo, since I live in Sweden the mileage is presented as l/100 km; 3.30l/100km). Hyper Assistant together with the HSI (Hybrid System Indicator) are useful tools för maximizing mileage and your driving skills ;-). I have Prius OEM 17" five spoke rims and solar roof. Hybrid Assistant and Hybrid Reporter are available on Google Play.
Reporting 3.30l/100km with a SOC of 44% is a bit optimistic. Next time you start your car you'll do double that because the battery needs to be recharged.
No so far only for Android. Hybrid Assistant is a free app, developed by enthusiasts and they have focused on functionality. Since I normally use iphone I had to get a used Samsung Galaxy S5 (cheap) dedicated for this purpose. I have mounted the Samsung on a Brodit car holder. After each trip you can generate and extensive report with diagrams over fuel consumption, SOC statistics, power distribution, coolant temperature, torgue and GPS maps showing braking (regenerative and friction braking), coasting, glide and a lot more. You even get a "driver evaluation" on "Accelerator nervousness" and your braking effiency ;-) Hybrid Reporter (an associated free app) is used for generating reports and for uploading screenshots. By the way there are lot of videos on Youtube showing Hybrid Assistant in use. Yes, I agree, I was a bit optimistic but so far I believe all my trips since I started to use Hybrid Assistant have given me better mileage during any condition then before. Some part of it might of course be that it's fun and challenging to use and it inspires me to be better at using coasting, gliding and avoid friction braking as much as possible and traffic allows.
Depends on speed traveling also. My commute is most likely 41mph to 50mph straight ways 90% of the time. When there's no cars I'll get high 70s to low 80 mpgs commute to work.
That I think is one of the major benefits of the app. You can see how hard you can brake elektrically. Especially in cold circumstances the charge limit is significantly lower and you'll be much more likely to use the friction brakes.