Have anybody tried charging their Prime on Volta charging station? I saw they are free and located at the mall close to my work. Maybe I can park my car there for few hours to have it charge. I can bring my bike to go back to work while I leave my car at the mall. Then bike again to pick up my car. Its about 1.5 miles away.
someone else started another thread on this in the last day or two. he said they are great, but iirc, a couple didn't work.
I've used them many times. There are a pair of Volta stations (free, as I think they all are) fairly close to my house. One of the two doesn't work most of the time, the other always works. I've also used another free Volta station in town, and it works fine, too.
Good to know that it works! At least I have an option to charge it and gives me free 25+ miles on my way back home.
The Volta stations in my area are signed for two hours maximum. Seems most folks actually follow the rules.
There's some Tesshole who parks his Model S at the one near me. He parks there for hours and sleeps in his car, even though there is a 2-hour limit sign.