You’re assuming they know what they are doing. If you don’t see any on the ground and the engine isn’t running rough or has a misfire, the coolant is just low. I bet the only skill they are excellent at is they know how to make their respective boat payments . Good luck and keep us posted .
Radiator. Once the radiator no longer is low, then fill the overflow tank. But this may take some time depending on how much they put into the radiator to start with.
Squeeze the radiator hose and open the bleeder on the drivers side of the radiator. It takes a hex wrench, but that gets the upper air out. My bet is they never opened the bleeder not put enough in to cover the thermos. But now you can make sure it gets done right.
Oh there’s air bubbles, one really big one. Pretty classic post. The coolant didn’t go anywhere the dealer filled it up but there was a big air bubble occupying the head. Modern cars are a bitch to get the air out because with low snoot on the car the rad is below the engine head air bubbles always go to the highest point which is th engine head. And since there’s an air bubble instead of flowing coolant the aluminum engine head overheats real fast. Lots of posters have lost there head gasket on this done wrong. Do what Ray says and if real bad it helps to jack up the front end enough that the rad is above the head Then the air bubbles will eventually bleed out. Take the rad Cap off with it jacked up and let the engine run in inspection mode. If the car is high enough it I’ll eventually get the air out, Put the car in inspection mode so it runs continuously, go on YouTube and search Prius inspection mode. Good luck.
I filled it up but I noticed a weird sound , knocking but it’s not the engine , maybe the water pump? It’s not loud
Maybe you damaged the engine because of the overheating incident. Does the cabin heater work? Do you hear air bubbling in the heater core? If your answer to either of those questions is "no", then you still have air in the coolant system and you need to purge that out. While the car is sitting on the driveway, rev up the engine as fast as it will go. Turn on the heater temp to MAX HEAT and the fan speed to the fastest speed. Continue revving the engine until the cabin heater starts to work and you no longer hear air bubbling. You may need to do this for 15 or 20 minutes continuously. Look at the engine coolant pump pulley and the air conditioner compressor below the coolant pump. If you see a pinkish or whitish stain, that is coolant leaking out of the pump bearing, and the pump will need to be replaced. Continue checking the coolant level in the radiator as well as the overflow reservoir, each time the engine cools down. Repeat this until the fluid level in the radiator remains at the top of the neck and the overflow reservoir remains full. Is your car imported from North America? If it was, then it will have the coolant heat recovery system canister which also needs to be purged of air. I have posted on how to do that, see my posts #22 and #42 in this thread: Changing engine coolant | Page 2 | PriusChat
The water pump for the engine has a propeller in the end of a metal shaft. If the pulley is turning freely and it isn't leaking from the weep hole, it is not bad. Now if there is air in the system, it can not do it's job. It was designed to move coolant, not air. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Or they didn't take the hour required to bleed the system. Do not assume a leak until you have properly bled the system. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Well we will find out what’s wrong soon, tomorrow the car is going for a chain change because that noise could be from that too, well at least I hope
A timing chain replacement? Failure of that is highly unusual and the replacement will be very costly due to the labor effort involved.