I'm planning to strap a queen mattress (spring) on the roof of my 2015 prius two, and move it across town for about 5 miles on local avenue or 7-8 miles on back roads. Has anyone tried something similar / any tips on moving it as safe as possibly? Also, if anyone's got a photo of this actually happening, please share. It'll do a lot to ease my mind! *I would use uhaul vans/trucks instead if I could, but sadly they're all booked on the date that I have to move.
shouldn't be a problem, just open the windows and tie a rope around it a few times. if it sags to much and blocks your view. put a sheet of plywood under it, or some 2x4's.
Sure there is risk. But if you secure it well enough it shouldn't be a problem. Secured and not impeding your vision. Also a good thing if you are taking side roads. I was on a 45 mph stretch, although admittedly everyone goes 55 mph or higher, and I saw a mattress flip off the top of a car and into the middle of the 3 lane stretch. It happened so quickly, it was really lucky it didn't cause a big accident. So Slow, Secured, and keep your vision clear...and you should be OK. Good Luck.
Also, try to have down force on the mattress with the air flow. In other words, you do not want to catch air under the front of the mattress and thus have the air work to pull up on the mattress away from the roof, straining your method of tying it to the roof. If the front of the mattress was slightly lower than the back of the mattress, then the airflow would push down on the mattress, towards the roof. The biggest thing is go slow. Air resistance is not linear but proportional to speed squared. P.S. Obviously protect your roof from scratches!
If you're in Colorado Springs, you can use my truck Take a pic and share your experience! Should be no issue with some rope and going slow!
I would put a blanket on the roof to protect the paint and use two ratchet straps, go through the back window with the windows down and try to go through the open doors and see if they will still close, unless you are a Boy Scout and know how to tie some good knots. Good luck
Yeah think it through with the ropes. My brother-in-law many years ago (rest his soul) showed me how to put small lassos along the length of rope, loop the end of the rope through the lasso and really cinch it down. Make sure it's secure side-to-side and front-to-rear. And for sure don't use bungee cords, nothing elastic.
Uber, if a driver has a truck, just message them if they can haul it in the truck bed. If not, cancel within 5 minutes of request and not get charge for anything.
I need to pick up a 4'x8' gyprock sheet. I was thinking to cut it into quarters at the store. But now I'm starting to think big: it would avoid some superfluous joints.