Recently been on a 500km holiday in my Prius and on my way home something bad happened, as I was going up hill the red triangle came on and on the screen it said “Problem” and the coolant label came on, I recently changed the inverter coolant pump and all the fluids in the inverter and the in engine, I left the car rest for a bit and turned the heat on and slowly went home. What happened should I be worried ? What should I do? Please help
You probably didn't bleed the system properly and it's not completely full of coolant. When the radiator is cool, open the radiator cap and fill with coolant. I'm thinking you will need more than half a gallon of coolant. Do not fill the radiator reservoir, fill the radiator itself.
They may have not bleed the air out completely. The prius is especially hard to do properly. Either you use an airlift type tool or you have to bleed manually multiple times
Many many posters complaining of after dealer repair overheat or hear gurgling sounds under the dash reflecting air still in the system. The dealer does not want to spend the time necessary to do a thorough job. Its a PIA to get the air out very time consuming you have to engage the CHRS motor periodically to get the air out either with techstream or by jumping the relay out.. I dont recommend complete engine flush because of this.Just dump the rad a few times over a few months it really helps and you will not invoke airlock. The G2 is very easy on the engine coolant but very hard on the inverter coolant.
The ac is also not working at times, could it be something to do when with the overheating I experienced? Could it be the water pump ?
Since you have replaced coolant on both the engine side and inverter side, there must be something wrong with that replacement. I can think of these possible problems 1. Low coolant in radiator 2. Inverter pump failed 3. Water pump and/or belt failure
It takes about a minute to check those 3 items I've mentioned. Just fill up the coolant if it's low, probably just wasn't bled properly
Checked the coolant in the engine and it’s low , where did it go ? I think I found the reason for the overheating
Definitely looks low. Time to add some coolant. Refilling a Gen2 requires patience, so be ready to add a bit. Good luck and keep us posted .
It’s weird you because it been in the Toyota dealerships for coolant replacement and inverter pump replacement so there is probably a leak somewhere