There is a method to my madness: Tesla laid off 9% in June, ~3,000 employees Employees had early preference for the most bug prone Model 3 36,700 Model 3 made by end of June $666/mo car loan @2% for 72 months, $50,200 cost, $5,000 down/trade-in So now we can make a model: ~10% of early Model 3 sold to employees ~= 3,670 cars 9% probability they were laid off ~= 330 Model 3 owned by former Tesla employees If I can find them, there should be about 330, lightly used, Model 3s on the market. Faced with a substantial monthly car payment and loss of work, they are probably interested in getting out from this expense. So here is the deal: They keep the Federal and State Tax credits but use them to depreciate the car. I'll take the car off their hands by paying the remaining lien (negotiable.) Offer them our 2017 Prius Prime for an excellent price or they buy something else. So if someone comes here complaining about the fit and finish of their Model 3, my ears perk up. It is probably one of the earliest that were sold to Tesla employees. There is a 9% chance they were recently laid off so it is time to make a deal. Bob Wilson
Your odds will likely go up at These cars are in pretty high demand, I doubt you will find one for less than what a brand new short range RWD will cost in about 6 months. If you need the greater range though, go for it
Aha. Well, one is planned for Fort Smith, however I take the time estimates for superchargers with a huge grain of salt.
I think there is an error in your logic. Apparently, (nobody knows for sure) most of the 9% laid off were in the Solar City division. A few were in the Tesla Motors production lines. Most of the layoffs were relatively low paying positions in Home Depot sales kiosks or production jobs replaced by robots. Consequently, these were employees that couldn't afford a model 3 in the first place - I have had conversations with the Home Depot people. So, I don't think the number of employees who will be selling are as high as you might think. On the other hand, the more new model 3 in the marketplace, the more that will be for sale in general due to changes in financial position, divorces, expanding families, wanting a newer model, etc. Initially, those few used model 3 that were for sale were going for a premium - higher than the new price because they were in demand and some people didn't want to wait for two years at that time. That has all changed now. There is no longer a waiting list (other than the $35K base model) with deliveries in as short as 2 to 4 weeks depending on configuration. So that will drive the price of used cars down, maybe 15% below a new car price depending on mileage - the technology won't get old because of the no cost OTA updates. In my opinion, better deals will be found in the Bolt used market if that concept works for you. Besides Tesla fora, good places to look for used model 3s are Ebay and Craigs List. You will be a welcome member of the BEV revolution.
+1.....although as with the i3 and the Prime you might want to wait until the early adopters finish getting theirs. I'm thinking that either Tesla's productivity predictions will be correct and you will start seeing Teslas in every other driveway - or the naysayers will be correct and once the early adopters are tapped out then the production will start to outstrip demand. Either way? In.......a few years the 3 stands a good chance to be like the Pip is now. PERFECT for the tinkerer.....
Ya, eventually the US market will be fairly saturated, but there is a ton of demand for the 3 worldwide.
The cars listed in CarGurus don't make much financial sense since you can purchase a new one for $49K with almost no miles, get it within 4 months or sooner and get a $7500 Federal tax credit which nets to $41,500.
Used the lowest cost m3 is $48,000, I recommend a wait and see attitude, it’s still an early adopter market with the associated price to boot.
well, the car's screen will show if & how many stalls are available at any given time. For example when I checked the screen earlier - before pulling into Fountain Valley today there were still 8 of 20 Chargers available. I've never had to wait even 1 minute when I arrange my times to be at a supercharger bunch, before 6 a.m. That's an advantage of being an early riser. Not any longer ... Tesla already sold over 200,000 Cars in the US alone. The # is trimmed $4,000 less than the full amt. So used is the way to go. .
The full tax credit of $7500 is good through 12/31/18. Then the credit is halved to $3750, good through 06/30/19. Then the credit is halved again to $1875, good through 12/31/19. At that time the credit will be gone for good....................unless the Administration acts to protect US auto interests with tariffs on foreign autos.
Ok just double checked & weird as it seems, yea, they hit the sales #, but buyers still get to claim the whole shebang (presumes taxpayer owes $7,500 to offset .... no carryovers, unless business owned - they can carryover unused credits 1yr, & no credit for taxpayers falling under alt minimum tax rule) 'till the end of the year. .
I thought they hit the 200k after July 1. So don't they get the remainder of Q3 plus two more quarters of the full credit before it starts dropping? Mike
I think Tesla's problem in the US now is the delivery infrastructure. I wonder if the big automakers are playing "dirty pool" and threatening to pull their contracts if a company delivers for Tesla.
My buddy awaiting delivery of his 3 said there are some on autotrader. Autotrader Least expensive one there right now appears to be in Clearwater Florida.