It is very Hot this summer and I drove 90-100 miles to a park in Long beach CA. On the way home all was well till I stopped to get food. I ordered my food and and drove up to the window . Soon as I went to pay I got the triangle of death and other fun stuff. I drove it home, which was just about a mile and looking in the HV coolant res. did not look like any bubbling. I'm hoping thats all it is. A few hundred But a relativly easy fix.. will try to get codes read later.
reason i suspect the hv coolant pump is i see nothing happening inside the the resoviour. and saw no indication anything was wrong till i sat in line on a dive up for food. figure as i was moving at speed it was getting some cooling and standing the cooling just went away... . yes 1 mile from home isnt bad.
I think the fuse for it goes as well so you'll want to check that too. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
does anyone happen to know what size tubing I can use to route the coolant from the bleeder back to the resoviour ?
ok hoping other continue to read here....I have to change the hv coolant pump I got the area open and waiting on a pump but the car doeas have 213,000 miles on it should i change hoes as I go ? And are these special from toyota or does napa have them. ?
The pumps are really available online and most likely auto parts places. 60-80 bucks on Ebay for factory ones. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.