For the most part, you'd want the newer version, because of updates. The EGR system on the Gen4, from what I've read here, seems to be better, along with the intake manifold. Every car has it's problems, but newer for less price is better. The question is, why is it less? Because the gen 3's are over priced? Or is there something wrong with it? Or do they just want to get rid of it?
I believe OP's using his 3rd gen EGR: engine seller didn't supply the (4th gen) EGR, and/or it wouldn't fit, the connection to 3rd gen exhaust or whatever nixed it. Good question. Just a glut of 4th gen crash engines?
I believe it's a combination of the fact that Gen3 motors seem to be in higher demand and are therefore overpriced and that the Gen4 motor I'm looking at is from a local source and doesn't have all of the extra "web marketing" fees attached to it. I'm still interested to know, if the OP had all the parts - water pump, EGR cooler, intake manifold, exhaust manifold, etc. - would this have worked without modification? I've been trying to find an engine for a month and felt hopeful when I found this thread it would work.
Supply & demand, if Gen IV motors are as reliable as Gen II salvage motors you will see $50 complete motors in a few years as yards get tired of looking at them. From what I can tell only hobbiests are buying Gen IV motors and that is inadequate demand to justify $800+ price tags
Bolt your Gen 3 head to the Gen 4 short block. That’s how mine is. The Gen 3 gaskets work. Mine is assembled and ready to drop in. Going to tackle that tomorrow.
If you had all the other parts available from the Gen4 - intake manifold, exhaust manifold, EGR cooler, water pump - would that have made this process easier? Do you think you'd still need to swap the head?
You still need a complete lower radiator hose from the Gen 4. There is a pic on this thread that shows why the Gen 4 head won’t work in a Gen 3 car. The castings are different where the water outlet and EGR coolers bolt up. I explored every possible avenue and found just using my Gen 3 head was the easiest way to fix all the other issues.
Disappointing end to the day. Got the motor in. Hit the button and got noisy engine and an oil leak at the timing cover. It’s oiling but sounds like the engine has bearing noise. I still have 15 days on the 30 day warranty so I am waiting to see what the yard says about things before I decide what to do. Hoping they just give me another engine. But I don’t know.
Did you have to remove the timing cover to remove the head? After all that work. Well at least you have the experience now.
Unfortunately it is safer to remove the engine before trying to remove the timing cover. You cannot be 100% sure of the timing marks unless the engine is out on a stand. You also cannot remove and install the timing tensioner unless the cover is in place on the engine. I’m not giving up yet. The noise does not sound terminal. Sounds like maybe I have just overlooked something.
Well I hope it's just something simple and not a rod bearing or something. Since the engine has low mileage it should have those problems.... I need to help someone change a motor so I can SEE these things. It would be nifty!
There is no actual gasket on the timing cover. FIPG on it. Grey RTV. It’s my fault for the leak. I used the Gen 4 timing cover. There are bolt hole differences at the valve cover junction with the timing cover. I believe that to be the source of the leak.
So I spent an hour looking things over this morning. And against better judgement I allowed the engine to run. It struggled and bucked until warmup cycle completed, and ran fairly decently. It has some codes stored that won’t clear. MAP sensor high, Intake air temp high, and Engine coolant temp high. But engine coolant temp reached a max of 191. It also has a code for Engine out of fuel. LoL. I’ll have two days off starting Tuesday and maybe I can get to the bottom of things.
So it's leaking at the timing cover and valve cover? Will the valve cover from the 4th gen fit the 3's head? I imagine they are different. Maybe the chain is hitting the head and/or valve cover? Very interesting!
Gen 4 timing cover that I used is rounded corners at the front and back of the motor. Gen 3 is more squared. Leaves a small gap front and rear.
If someone has a 10 or 11, I need a picture of the drivers side front of the engine with airbox removed. The EVAP solenoid is mounted over there and I can’t remember exactly how.
Spent all day on it today. Pulled engine again to fix timing cover oil leak and verify no issues in bell housing. Still noisy but runs great at more then idle speed. I think the head is going to have to be replaced. Cylinder 1 and 2 misfire. New coils and plugs and it still does it. Now I wish I had spent the extra 250 and bought the local Gen 3 engine.