You can make anything: a harness, a charger, a discharger. Just have to scavenge together the pieces. It is easier to just buy a harness rather than make it, but costs more than $50 to buy it.
Really your plan is the fainest. You pay me the full cost of the rental via Paypal and I refund it minus rental fee when I get it back and it works. Very fair. If there not willing to do that then you know it will be sketchy.
It works well this way because then if I don't get it back (and that will definitely happen) then I'm not left holding the bag. Encourages folks to move it along since they gave a large deposit down. Basically if you don't return it in "x" days, then it converts to a sale and you get to keep it.
In the end, it's just much easier and cheaper to buy the charger, use it as intended (because you'll have it), and then sell it here when it is no longer needed. More money up front but it will be cheaper in the long run, it's heavy so shipping will add up, and less hassles overall. Gen 3 owners can use the same unit; just needs a different harness so you're pretty much guaranteed a market for it for many years to come.
Easier, yes. cheaper, no. Haven't seen any for good used price yet. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Buy a new charger/discharger setup and sell it months or years down the road to recoup. The diff is the "rental fee" but with no frequent shipping charges for sharing or other sharing hassles (like not getting it back). You should be using the charger every month or so not once a year or some other long stretch (maybe trying to save on multiple rentals). Make sense now? If you're looking for a good used price, negotiate.
I'm pretty sure that 2x per year is proper usage. Monthly is neither recommended nor practical. And that is IF these things really work to "prolong". Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
No, read the FAQ. How frequently should I use the Prolong Battery Charger/Discharger on my hybrid battery? Recommended frequency of use depends on the age and condition of the battery. If the vehicle is newer and the battery still performing well, performing a charge & balance once every 4-6 months and/or anytime the car sits unused for more than a week is recommended. If the battery is degraded, charging alone will not yield optimal results. Performing a full battery reconditioning 2-3 times per year, as well as a charge & balance every 8-12 weeks (and/or anytime the car sits unused for more than five days) is recommended. Customers with highly degraded batteries report that they charge every couple weeks, sometimes weekly or more, depending on how much 'life support' is needed to keep the battery going. ProlongĀ® Battery Systems FAQ – Hybrid Automotive
LOL! If unused for 5 days? Monthly? Are they insane? NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!! Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
Is this something still going on? I live in Boise but would happily pay shipping and a moderate fee to do this. Thanks Mike