I saw this at one of my customer's lots. Everything is sealed off, not sure how they will service batteries or shocks
This was probably done on the cheap, if they removed the doors and windows, it would be very costly to make it look appealing
They did put the required elevated rear brake light on. I can only imagine what the battery temp gets to. Function over form.
Transporting tall plants when moving or for friends has been a part of my whole life and trucks have usually filled this niche reason but do you need one 24/7/350 (subtracted 5 days for those events) for this? NO!!! Liftbacks partially solve it but one has to lay them down on their sides with dirt spilling out as the result sucks. YES, hybrid trucks will sell!
LOL. Having just spent a couple of hours getting two cars inspected this weekend, I did see a camry fail for an inoperative 3rd brake light.