I have a 2010 prius with the smart key system and wanted to know if there’s anyway to keep the car locked while inside of it? Say you’re in the car and someone is trying to break in. How do i keep the doors/ trunk from unlocking? Also, is the SOS system worth the subscription? Would it help in a situation like this?
The car won't unlock if they don't have a key. You can press the lock button in the driver's door to lock all doors while you're inside. If you're inside and someone is trying to break in, you would normally make lots of noise to draw attention, like honking your horn to draw attention and calling the cops on your phone. The SOS button is normally for roadside help when you break down, your phone is much better than this service
There is also a vehicle setting whereby it locks all doors upon selecting D and unlocks all doors upon selecting P. If you're in P with the doors unlocked, of course, you'll have to manually press the lock button on the driver's door as said above...
There's a setting on the mdf to disable auto unlock when you set gear to park. Configured mine that way in case you have to pull over in a dark area to find something or pick up a phone call so door remains locked and that no one opens any door from outside.
Easy, turn engine on, switch to power mode and drive few feet away and then toward the perp and yell "eat my Prius mpgs!" Then switch to EV mode and run'em over so you hear the screaming agony and bones crushing Without ice on