Yep. I use the car mostly for my 90 mile work commute and 250 mile drives once or twice a month. I now have 23k miles on the car and a lifetime MPG of 93. A more specific breakdown: Under 30 - 35 miles: EV 90 miles commute: 85 - 125 MPG + 6.2 kwh per commute r/t. Annual average is ~ 105. 250 mile trip: 70 - 75 MPG + 6.2 kWh Since my EV miles are dirt cheap and clean from home PV, I view the car as a 93 MPG vehicle for my uses. I bet the fleet numbers would be better. Absolutely amazing, considering Toyota is able to build them for about a $2000 premium over a regular Prius. Presuming a 250k mile lifetime for the car, it consumes ~ 2500 less gallons than a Prius. Half the pollution, carbon emissions and oil dependency, and a ~ $5000* cost savings to boot for the consumer. * 7500 Fuel savings (2000) Price Premium ------- ~ $5000 Tax credits just turns this into a no-brainer.
That's great! Our electric rate is so high at $0.19/kwh, I am not saving much by running EV. Still not going to gas station is a great feeling. I did very little long run on my current tank. It is now at 1800 miles on trip meter with still two pips of gas left. I should be able to finish my tank with calculated mpg of 199.9 for the first time!
Super stoked this morning. I’ve been trying for over a month to get to the office (35.6 miles) on EV alone. Apparently all the stars were aligned today. Got here with 1.4 miles left on the range indicator! I figure if I kept driving I could have passed 37 miles total. Best range to date. Happy driving everyone!
I’ve had my Prius one month. I’m getting 25. My driving is in the good range but I live in Atlanta so the ac is set to 73
Good to hear. I always use eco mode in conjunction with ev mode. Turn on eco cool around 70 degrees. The cooling is extremely efficient in the Prime and barely effects range if at all. I’ve been able to max out at 36.4 miles. Have gone over 36 miles 2 other times. I find it that the range improves if you are able to regen brake as often as possible. Happy driving!
I don’t know if this applies where you live but I was able to contact my power company and they asked for my car make model and year and then gave me a special rate if I charge my car between 11 pm and 7 am. So I set the scheduler and it generally will start charging around 11:30 and stop around 2:15. The benefit is that the lower rate affects all usage between 11 and 7. Ask your power company if they have a special rate for electric cars.
Unfortunately no. Our electricity rate from current supplier is fixed rate no matter when I use, and they have no incentive for electric charger for PHEV or BEV. I am exploring the idea of installing solar panels, but so far it does not seem economically feasible.