I've been noticing a clicky sound from the (rear passenger) side whenever making turns in my Prime. The sound seems to be coming from either the door or the B pillar, and is non-existent when driving fast (such as on a freeway). It only appears when making turns. The noise sounds like plastic is literally cracking. I hope someone can point me to some possible solutions.
make sure the door latches have all their bolts... mine was missing one (good thing it was found before I got hit!)
I'm a rattle super OCD. Need more info: Right turn only, left turn only? Turn over bumps? Fast turn, slow turn? If it's B pillar, check my rattling fixes post. Possible cause (from previous vehicles I owned that had similar rattle): - the fold down seat latch. Fix: wrap some electrical tape by the "U" latch to remove any possible free play of the latch connection. - previous poster, check door latches. Same fix as above - check the emergency vehicle jack under the seat. Make sure that's tight, or just outright remove it to save weight - wheel bearing or wheel bearing nut not torque tight enough
Either right or left turns, and usually the sound is not as extreme when doing fast, sharp turns. The sound is usually more extreme whenever at slower speeds (~12 mph) when driving in my parking garage, for example, and making those turns. I don't think it's the wheel bearing, and I also pressed, squeezed and pushed the door handles, door cover, the B-pillar, so that leaves only the backseat U-shaped lock, and maybe the emergency jack. I'll have to follow your advice and see if it is the seat latch. Do you have an example of where I should wrap the electrical tape around exactly? A screenshot will do too.
Try removing the headrest and then fold down the seats, then turn, see if it rattles. If it doesn't, then most likely the seat latch or head rest. Also, make sure you don't have stuff inside the rear arm rest that could also make that noise. Also you said like plastic cracking?? If you have all weather matts that rubber, make sure you don't have any styrofoam stuff under on top of the rubber. Styrofoam on styrofoam will make the queaking and crackling noise.
What happen to that great Japanese build quality?! It seems the new Prime is getting the most complaints for rattles. Sorry to see all these posts about the Prime.
Our Prime has an intermittent rattle (more like a buzzing type of vibration that seems to be coming from the passenger side dash area. I have removed everything from the glove box and tried touching the vents, display, glove box latch (open and closed) with no luck. I brought the car in for its first service this week (six months, 2,556 miles). When I made the appointment I mentioned the rattle. When I brought the car in, I mentioned the rattle. When they told me the car was ready, I noticed that there was no mention of the rattle on the work ticket. I asked and was told that they had it in their notes on the computer. I asked what they did. I was told that they didn't hear the rattle but that the mechanic wrapped the heater control box with thin foam since it was the only thing he could think of that could be causing the rattle. I drove home and the rattle revealed itself again when I turned onto my street. I doubt that they did anything, since nothing was noted and I think the service guy told me a story. I know that it won't be easy to find, but this car is close to perfect and I would like the rattle taken care of. I think I will need to go back and ride with someone until they acknowledge the problem and then hope that they can actually find and fix it. Does anyone know how long the warranty covers rattles? I don't want to wait until the next service to find out that rattles are only covered for the first year or something like that.
Going back 2 years, i've seen a lot more than just six posts. And the regular Prius has its share of rattles also. Many posts about that. I just turn the radio up.
Mine exhibits the low speed rear crunching noise over speed bumps, driveways, and turns. It also has rattles near both the passenger and driver door. And there’s some rattle going on near the top right speaker. Pretty frustrating.