So many missions could go here and I hope they will get discussed. This first one seems under appreciated: OSIRIS-REx - Wikipedia In August it will get cozy with asteroid Bennu and start doing neat stuff. Just read the dang wiki.
Pluto did not change, just our opinion of it. There was also a time that Ceres was a planet. And maybe they will be again if the International Planetary Union ever drops the Swimsuit completion. (I think they panicked about having more planets than fingers to count them on, most folks have trouble naming all the States in the US)
One glitch and there goes 983,000,000 Tax $. It seems more sensible just to cozy up to our intergalactic space travelers. We have something they want! VS They have a lot! that we could use. Compared to us, they have infinite knowledge.
Opportunity Rover on Mars went on the clock in 2004 for a planned 90-day mission. And yet it persists, with a variety of patches and workarounds that reflect very well on Earthbound steely-eyed drivers. Currently napping through a dust storm with high probability of waking up after. == If the first thing ET were to see about us is this (or other) highly successful devices, I think that would be very good. Hope they don't start by tuning in to TV
I had a fantastic siting back in 1978. About the length of a C5, cigar shaped, a iridescent beautiful chartreuse green. The whole ship was lit-up, no flashing lights, flying just above the power lines and then disappeared over some more trees on the right. So I know they are real. From that siting I dedeuced: They had a silent propulsion system. They could fly slow. Flying just over the Power Lines meant their terrain following and terrain avoidance was superior to ours.
OTOH....I personally believe that developing the technology to reach out and touch comets, asteroids, and all of the other stuff that gets left over when you build a solar system might help US survive to become more....'advanced.'
fantastic@11. Important here is angle above horizon. Low angles can offer strange sights by refraction. I've seen such as well, very convincing but with bent optics.
As I recall, Charles Hall reported that the Tall Whites were cleaning the solar panels on several Mars Rovers. I haven't found the specific reference yet, but if I do you'll be the first to know... In any case, cleaning events seem to happen regularly. As in Who's Cleaning The Mars Rover? | Shift Frequency
Wind storms and 'dust devils'. And a major wind storm is going on right now. It is hard to imagine 'encrusted' material when the atmosphere contains essentially no moisture to cement and encrust the dust. It seems more like a dry fluffy powder.
What I saw was very real, I reported it to a UFO watch organization and he said that others had reported seeing the same thing. Every morning I would take a 20 minute walk before breakfast, 0500-0530 approximately. The reason most people don’t see anything in the sky is because they are not looking. An example: I now live in the country so sky views are extraordinary. Even so last night I was only seeing perhaps 1/16 to 1/30 of the entire sky. On the morning of my siting, I attempted to flag down a motorist. Even tho it may have been directly before him, he did not see it. Hell, he didn’t even see me. .