having trouble on my 04 when you turn the left turn signal on the right 1 flashes very dimly, also vice versa. when you turn the headlights on problem is even worse also when car is in reverse turn signals come on slightly. does the same weather in accessories or with the vehicle started. this presents a real problem any ideas would be greatly appreciated thank you.
Mice live in the city, too. If that's what it is, it's most likely in a place where those wires are bundled together, but unless someone shows up here who already knows, it'll take some research. It may be where the harness passes through the firewall and before the various light circuits branch off. I wish I knew more.
They're all listed in the wiring diagram. There are lots of them all over the car. I don't run into nearly as many grounding problems as I was accustomed to in the 70s and 80s when the body parts with the ground points attached were more likely to rust out.... -Chap
I don't have a electrical schematic does anybody have an idea where to look. don't see signs of mice either. Also notice the brake lights are flashing also. Is it possible some sort of computer control?
On this form or anywhere else has anyone ever heard of all the lights blinking simultaneously when you turn one turn signal on?
Well thought I'd write what I did so far pulled the back apart and removed each individual light from the entire car one at a time to see if light bulb was causing any problem found none. Got a schematic located every ground I could find and took a jumper ground to it made no. Also pull Dash apart and tried as many grounds there as possible. At a loss as to where to go next any help would be greatly appreciate it. Thanks y'all have a great day.
Do you have any aftermarket electronics or have done any recent electrical or otherwise work on the car? How old is the 12v and what's its voltage readings?
Hooray mystery solved in the very back under the hatch rate past the spare tire there are supposed to be two grounds. 1 roughly number 8 other number 16 roughly small one had broken off just look like a connector. Thanks to all appreciate it. Somebody say good job or congratulations. Now just have to put all back together.
Sometimes a good approach to multiple problems is to isolate just one of them and sometimes that will lead you to your common problem.
A well deserved "CONGRATS!" We had one person who dealt with a lot of weird electrical gremlins that ended up being due to a tight but poorly grounded 12v battery ground. Turns out he had had a minor rear end repair and the body shop painted over the ground point and then reattached the wiring.